Chapter 6

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What's he doing? Was the first thing that popped into my head. He was just sitting there hanging out with those other guys like there wasn't anything going on. Like there wasn't a huge fight happening literally three feet away from him. Well that's the shortest crush in all of mankind. With that thought I quickly walked over to him and slapped him right across the face. Lets just say that it was way more enjoyable in person than watching it in a movie.
"WHAT THE...." He said as he turned around. Then he saw my face and decided to shut up.
Very wise of him if I might say.
"Why are you just sitting there grinning like a Cheshire Cat while there is a fight going on literally three feet away!!!! I thought you were different from other guys but it seems to me as if you are just like them. You flirt with whoever you can until you click with a group of friends. Which by the way these guy are jerks and you know what they say your friends reflect the way you are! Gosh I can't believe I ever even thought of crushing on you!" I yelled all this to his face and by the end of my rant all of the guys in his group were looking at me and poor Lucas was just sitting there with his jaw hanging open.
"No, I don't want to hear it just go hang out with your new friends. They look a little lonely back there." At that clever remark I spun around and walked away. He tried calling out to me and I just ignored him. Meanwhile his friends whistled and whooped behind me but after I turned around and gave them an evil glare they stopped. I hope they enjoyed the show while it lasted because I was done obsessing over Lucas Mayfield.
I quickly walked to Aeropostale and found Lizzie.
"Hey. Anything good?" I asked her.
"Yeah actually....what's wrong Belles?"
"Oh just a little shaken up from the fight in the hallway. It's okay just give me a couple minutes. " I replied.
I was a horrible liar but I think she knew that I wasn't ready to talk about it because she just said okay an then started showing me all the good deals on the stuff she had found.
I tried to sound interested but I still couldn't stop thinking about Lucas and how stupid I was for falling for him. I mean I thought he was a decent guy he seemed nice and he didn't act like the guys he was hanging with. I also couldn't get the look on his face out of my mind. He looked surprised ,hurt ,and a little confused by seeing me. But the questions that kept circling around in my head were why was he there and what was he doing?
I don't know but one thing I do know is that I am done crushing on the new kid.

Hey guys!!! Wow almost a hundred reads!!!! I am super excited!!! I never thought I would get that many readers I am just so happy and I really hope you like it. I love to hear any feedback so please comment and vote. Heck you can message me just give me your feedback. I posted a message on here but I don't know if any of you guys got it so I'm going to say it again haha. Alright so I was wondering if any of you wanted me to post a cast. Now first of all I'd need your help cause I have no idea how to haha second of all I would like your feedback in who you think should play who. Also if any of you want to send me covers or videos or anything that would be great because I want to start posting media above my chapters.
Also last but not least I want to dedicate this chapter to @Bacon_Pancakes_Syrup. She is an amazing writer and I love her book called the bad boys brother it's hilarious and downright enjoyable so follow her and read her story it's AMAZING!!! Alright so that's about it you know the drill vote comment message or follow haha looking forward to your feedback!!!!!
Xoxo Jackie :)

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