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"I will go pick up your cleaning supplies Mum!" I call to my mother Emily.

My mother worked as a maid, she cleaned Richard Vargas' house and looked after his son Leon Vargas, by cooking and doing whatever else he wanted. Richard Vargas was the richest man in Argentina. He was a business man and it was working well for him.

My father left my mother and I when I was a baby, that why she had to take this job, where they treat her horribly, but she says she has to, so I can get a good future.

I'm not allowed to see Richard or Leon, I'm just in the shadows helping my mother. It isn't too bad,the house is modern so I like cleaning it up. The house is also really huge. My mother And I get the leftovers of the food that Richard and Leon eat. Richard has no wife, so it's the two of them.

I go to a school, but only because I have a scholarship. It was this big expensive school that mum and I couldn't afford, so I had to work extra hard to get a scholarship. So right now, my mother is working as a maid to get my college money. Richard throws in some extra money because he knows I work too.

I've always wondered what it must be like, to have this big house, lists of money, being carefree. My mum and I live in the small cottage outside the house. Richard provided us with beds,blankets, chairs,tables and kitchen supplies. But none of the things were as great as what they had in their house.

I'm just a daughter of a maid, with barely any future. My chances of becoming successful were quite slim, since there might not be enough money for college.

That is Francesca, I hope you get the feels of her. Next up is Leon, which is also quite short. But I hope you enjoy. Just a summary of the above

-Francesca is the daughter of the maid

-Francesca helps to clean up

-Francesca has never met Richard or Leon

-Francesca has a scholarship to an expensive school

-Francesca lives in a cottage with her mother

-Her father left her

I think that's all. Thanks for reading this far


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