Chapter 20

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"If you're really sure about this then I won't say anything to change your mind."

"Really? That's it? You're just gonna let me go?"

"Like I said, you're already 18. I can't make decisions for you anymore, hun."

I never would have expected my mum would be so chilled about this. At first I was like, are you kidding yourself man? Then after a long and extensive thought, I knew I had to be firm with this decision of mine. It's for the best, yeah I kept telling myself that.

"I dunno, maybe I expected something more dramatic from you."

She quickly slapped my arm and rolled her eyes, pushing her shades up from her nosebridge to perch on top her forehead. I could see the crystal clear eyes that I inherited from her and they're filled with both concern and acceptance. She's one of those people who could easily translate her thoughts to others via her captivating eyes and I'm still not immune to her sweet sarcasms.

"When did you ever listen to my advice huh?"

Her eyebrows scrunched and she carried on sipping her tea, the surrounding café is getting more crowded with those aiming for a quick stop brunch. I sighed cos she got that right. I bet I was quite the difficult kid to be raised on her own before she met the coolest stepdad in the whole wide world.

I took a bite of my subway sandwich and relished the amazing goodness. She decided that it was way too much of a hassle to make breakfast so she's taking both Katie and I to this frequented café because she knew the owner would give some extras for us because he used to have the hots for her back in high school.

"Of course I'll be worried but you should know that I'm always going to be proud with whatever you turn out to be." She paused after realizing what she just uttered and I couldn't help but wiggle my eyebrows at her, wiping the mayonnaise off the side of my mouth. "Well, you know what I mean. No illegal shits, allright?"

"I'm an adult now. I know my own limits, really."

"Thank God for that, don't be like your jackass dad. He was a piece of thrash, that's for sure." I always felt that she wanted me to hate him just as much as she did. She forbid ever mentioning about my real dad since I was in primary school when I began to wonder why some kids are just like me, with only one parent to take care of them.

"Ma, you're better off without him. Walt filled that spot just nice, don't worry okay?"

"Sometimes I wished that I had found him sooner, you know?"

I could detect her emotions from a mile away so I had to put the sandwich down. I scooted closer next to her on the bench seat so that I could rub her back and she nodded at me with gratitude, where I deserved none. She had gone through so much and this is the least I can do to ease her sorrow.

"You're the awesomest mom in the whole wide world, you know that right?"

"Stop being so damn sweet, it doesn't suit you Wyatt." Then we both chuckled out loud, alerting the adorable girl playing with another kid a few tables away from us. Katie perked up and waved at her equally adorable playmate to return back to our table. She sat facing us from across the shiny table, her eyes trained and switching between the two of us with undeniable childish curiosity.

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