Chapter Five Date Night

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Jayden's POV

It's now Saturday morning and tonight is my date with Hayes. He told me to dress fancy, but bring causal wear for later. I decide to text Liz, since she went home after the game and I never told her exactly what happened.
To Lizzy🌸: Hey Liz I need to tell you a couple things, come over.
From Lizzy🌸: I'll be right over, is this about Prince Charming by chance😏
To Lizzy🌸: Maybe....
Then I heard Liz's voice as she walked through the door. We're super close, so she just walks in like it's her house. I hear my door open and I turn around to see Liz wiggling her eyebrows.
"Spill." She says as she plops down on the bed next to me.
"I have a date tonight and I need your help getting ready." I say as I feel my cheeks get warm, meaning I'm blushing. I never blush, I just don't. I am now though....
"Ah! I knew it! You guys could be Jayes or Hayden...oh I like that! I ship Hayden!" She basically yells to where the entire universe could have heard her. I let out a laugh and say,
"You're gonna wake the entire neighborhood with all your yelling!" I say as Liz gets up and pulls out a Dillard's box out of her bag that she brought over and hands it to me.
"Liz, what is this?" I say looking up to her in shock.
"I may or may not have known this date was going to happen," she says with a smirk. I open the box and find a beautiful navy blue dress similar to my red one I wore on game day. She then handed me my gold necklace that says 'Jay' on it that my Dad gave me before he was deployed. Gosh, I miss him.
"Okay, it's almost 3 o'clock and Prince Charming will be here to get Cinderella around 6ish and we still need to do you hair!" Liz says as she pulls me into the bathroom. An hour later and she finally finishes curling my hair and wow, she did a good job.
"Thank you so much Liz!" I say as I give her a hug. Then we walk downstairs to hang out and we end up having a Dance Moms marathon until we hear the doorbell. Liz says she'll get it while I grab my bag with my change of clothes in it and my clutch purse. As I walk to the front door I hear Liz threatening Hayes,
"Okay listen here Grier, if you hurt her I will personally cut your balls off." Liz says and I can't help but laugh as I walk over to the door. I place my hand on her shoulder and say, "Gee thanks Liz.." I say in a sarcastic tone and she just rolls her eyes at me and mouths to Hayes, "I'm serious." with that I tell Liz that I'll see her later and Hayes and I both walk to his car. He opens the door for me and I crawl into the car and he does the same.
"I'm sorry about Liz, but she's not kidding...she's dead serious." I say when we let settled in the car.
"No problem, I've known Elizabeth for a long time...she always keeps her word." He says with a laugh. It was weird hearing Liz called Elizabeth. Yes, it is her real name, but I call her Liz or Lizzy. Then, I start looking around the car and in the driver's seat is an older boy about 17 I guess he saw me looking at him because he quickly said, "Oh! I'm Nash, the dork's older brother." He says as he looks over at Hayes.
"Gee thanks Nash." Hayes says as we approach a fancy restaurant.
"I'll pick you guys up around 7." Nash says.
Thanks, but I told Mom we were gonna walk to the park after." Hayes said giving me a smile. Then Nash agrees and drives off.
"You look amazing by the way." Hayes says with a shy smile.
"Why thank you, you don't look half bad yourself Grier." I say, but honestly he looked amazing! He was wearing black dress pants and a button down shirt with a tie.
"Thank you, but seriously look stunning." Hayes said as we take our seats at a booth. He sits on the same side of the booth as me and I roll my eyes at him.
"What?" He says with a smirk, but he's not dumb, he knows exactly what I meant.
"Same side of the booth? Classic." I say.
"I can move to the other side.." He says as he turns to get up. I grab his arm and say, "Who said I was complaining?" I say with a smirk.
He bites his lip and sits back down, closer this time. I scoot towards him. We are inches apart and then the waiter comes. We order our drinks and our food at the same time. I get bow tie alferado with chicken and Hayes gets spaghetti with meatballs. We talk for awhile once we're done eating.
"So why did you want to take me to dinner?" I say with a smirk.
Hayes looks down at the ground and then back at me with his blue eyes locked with mine, "Honestly Jay, when I bumped into you I felt this feeling inside me. You literally made me smile when I was having a crappy day and I didn't know anything about you. Your smile made me smile. I was already running late to football, but when you asked where the sport complexes were I wanted to walk you there so I could get to know more about you. Then you were in Science with me and I couldn't focus. I had to go out with you, so I talked to Liz about my plan for after the game and here we are." He said with a huge toothy smile. I couldn't help but smile back. Then he started leaning in and I did the same. It was a good kiss for the first date; short, sweet, and gentle. It was great. We pull back and he pays for dinner, then we walk out of the restaurant.
"Where to now?" I say as he intertwines our fingers together. I look at him and smile and I know I'm blushing. I don't normally do that, but I've been doing it a lot lately.
"The park." He says as we begin walking. We get about half way to the park and these heels Liz gave me are killing my feet and I think Hayes noticed because he said, "Here get on my back, I'll carry you the rest of the way." He says stopping and bent over.
"Hayes I'm not getting on your back, I'm in a dress." I say as I take off the heels to find multiple blisters and red marks.
"Fine, I'll carry you bridal style because if you can't play because I took you on a date and got your feet all messed up Liz and your coach are gonna kill me." He says with a laugh, but he was right Liz would kill him and Coach Jim would kill me.
"Okay, I'm not exactly light." I say as he picks me up, supporting me by wrapping his arms under my knees and over my shoulder blades. We begin walking and he's having no trouble carrying me the next few blocks to the park. I look at him and he smiles. We finally get to the park, but he refuses to put me down until we get to the swings and he places me on one of the swings and begins to push me from behind. We continue to talk as he pushes me and before I know it's 9 o'clock. We spent an hour at dinner and I guess we spent two hours at the park. I start to get off the swing to walk home, but Hayes stops me.
"Not so fast little girl. You can't walk with blisters, remember?" He says with a smirk. Then, he picks me up and stars walking home.
"I could walk, my house is around the corner." I say as I look up to him. He just smiles and then says, "If it's just around the corner, then there shouldn't be any reason I can't carry you there." His smile then turns into a smirk and for the rest of the walk to my house I just look at him and he every now an again he looks down at me and smiles his big toothy smile. We arrive at my house and then he says, "I had a really great time Jay. I'm sorry that we never changed into our casual clothes, I kind of forgot about them." He says as he scratches the back of his neck with his left hand and puts his right hand is in his dress pant's pocket.
"This was the best night I've had in a long time, thank you for a wonderful night, Hayes....and for carrying me around half the night." I say letting out a small laugh as I say the last part. I look up into his big blue eyes and he locks his eyes with mine and starts leaning in. Our lips touch, but this kiss isn't like the one before; it's long and passionate, yet sweet and gentle at the same time. We pull away and I say thank you for a wonderful night one last time and then turn to walk inside. As soon as I walk inside I turn around and push my back against the door as I smile thinking about what just happened. Then I realized, I'm officially falling for Hayes Grier.
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Okay! This is by far my favorite chapter! Hayes is such a gentleman. Don't forget to vote and comment what you thought!

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