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It was pitch black outside, the stars barely seen beneath the layer of pollution the city lights below gave. My eyelids began to droop, but I couldn't bring myself to fall asleep. My side throbbed, and being this high up did nothing to quell the headache that was bound to come up due to the high altitude. I was constantly on the lookout for storm clouds coming our way. Piper and Leo had fallen asleep, Leo laying on Festus' neck and Piper leaning against my back. I ignored the uncomfortable feeling her touch gave. Jason just sat, silent. It made me wonder if he too, had fallen asleep.

"You awake?" Jason broke the silence and caused me to jump slightly, holding Piper secure so she didn't tumble off.

"Don't do that!" I hissed, turning my head slightly. "Not when we're so high up!"

He laughed slightly, and I imagined he did his signature shake of the head, like he always used to. "Sorry, I forgot, fear of heights."

I huffed, releasing my grip on Piper and attempting to brush off the lingering feeling with my other hand. "That's not the only thing you forgot."

It was meant to be a joke, honest, but I don't do too well with tone of voice. But I felt Jason stiffen, before sighing.

"Yeah I.." He faltered, before changing his words. "What were we like?"

"Pardon?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.

"You know.. What was I to you? You seem.. Really familiar.. Did you know me? Like, personally?" Jason sounded uncertain, something that I hadn't heard him be since we were children. It was.. Unsettling, in a way. But comforting.

"We were friends.." I muttered, fiddling with Festus's metal hide. "I..." I thought of you as a brother, was what I wanted to say, but I held it back, sighing. "I was your protector, in a way."

"Are you still?" He asked.


"My protector, my... friend..?"

I paused, before letting a small laugh slip out at his hesitance as I turned to face him as much as I could without disturbing Piper. "Golden boy—" He looked annoyed at that nickname, like he always was, "—I promised you before, I would stick by your side, no matter what."

He faltered, before smiling, looking down at the city below. "I think you were my best friend. You still are—uh, yeah.." He looked embarrassed.

𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 - L. VALDEZWhere stories live. Discover now