Chapter 43

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Missie had packed what little belongings they had, as Billy got the horse ready.

"Before we go, there's one thing I have to do," Missie said, gently placing her hand on Billy's arm.

"Of course," he nodded.

Missie nodded in return before she headed to the cemetery. She worried as she slowly walked there that she may stay here forever and never return.

She stopped at the newly buried grave. She sat down beside it, placing her hand on top of the dirt, and let herself feel everything she had been pushing down.

She wept for a life with him she would never get and now was leaving him. She promised one day she would return to visit his final resting place.

Once she had composed herself she slowly stood up, walking back to Billy and the horses where Melquiades had joined.

Billy softly took her hand a silent apology in his eyes as he knew how hard it was for her to leave this place. Billy helped her up on the horse and got on in front of her. She wrapped her arms around her waist, pressing her palms to his chest.

The three rode off from Chihuahua.


The day had slowly passed by as they continued on their journey. Melquiades and Billy bantered most of the ride. Missie smiled as she rested her head on the middle of his back.

"Oh bury me not on the lone prairie. Those words came low and mournfully," Billy sang as Melquaides started singing in Spanish. "From the pallid lips of the youth who lay. On his dying bed at the close of day." The two sang over each other. "I wish to lie where a mother's prayers and a sister's tear will linger there."

Missy couldn't help but chuckle at Melquiades who was being facetious, who bursted into his own set of laughs.

"You done?" Billy asked, chuckling, as the two stopped their horses and looked at the view in front of them.

Nothing but open land.

"Where are you planning on going next, my friend?" Melquiades asked.

"I don't know," Billy answered. "There was a time I thought I had a plan. I came down to Mexico looking for a fresh start. Place to make things right."

"Well, I have to go back to New Mexico and take care of some family business."

"Yeah, I gotta stay clear of New Mexico for a while."

"Well, then, I guess this is it. This trail here takes me to where I need to go."

"What about that way?" Billy asked, pointing.

"Oh, that is Texas. Eh?"

"Then maybe it's time I took a look around Texas. I heard of this little town once called El Paso."


"Sounds about as good a place as any."

"I hope you find what you're looking for, Billy. You and your wife. Eh?"

Billy softly chuckled and Missie softly smiled, her thumb rubbing circles on his chest. What were they looking for? Peace. Home. They were wanderers, ever on the move, perhaps that is why they understood each other so well, there was never one place for them. They were ever following the wind.

"All right," Billy said. "You go first," he said, nodding his head to the trail.

Melquiades laughed, nudging his horse forward as he started singing again in Spanish, following the trail. Billy chuckled as he watched him go before his smile faded.

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