Chapter 33

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Missie slowly rubbed her eyes, yawning as she woke up,  Billy was still asleep beside her.

The sun was just starting to rise as she slid out of bed and started dressing for the day.

She gently kissed Billy's forehead, heading out to their room as he continued to sleep.

She went to the barn where she gathered some eggs and milked the cow. All stolen animals thanks to Jesse and his crew, but it helped feed them.

Once she had finished with the animals she headed back into the house.

She started making breakfast and coffee as the men slowly started awakening.

Billy made his way towards her as she cooked, coming from behind and wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek.

"Morning," he smiled.

"Morning," she whispered, smiling.

"Ya love birds need to cut it out, gonna make me sick before breakfast," Beckwith said.

Billy smirked, squeezing her waist. He was careful to keep her bump from being evident as Missie wasn't ready to tell anyone yet. He made his way to the table and sat down, pouring a cup of coffee.

Once breakfast was set and everyone was eating, Missie joined the table beside Billy.

Billy glanced at Missie and grabbed her a biscuit and handed it to her.

"Thanks," she hummed.

"I got a wild horse I'm working on breaking in," Jesse said, interrupting the two. "Wanted to show ya, Billy. Give us a chance to talk."

"Alright," he answered.


After breakfast Jesse, Billy, Missie, and Barbara walked down to where the horse was in its fenced area.

Jesse climbed the fence, jumping in with his lasso. Billy climbed the fence, sitting down on the rails.

Missie stood beside him, resting her hand on his knee.

Barbara stood next to Missie, watching Jesse.

"We're thinking of going out to El Paso," Jesse said. "You wanna join us, Billy?"

"Maybe," Billy answered.

"What's stopping you?" Jesse asked.

Missie bit the inside of her cheek as Billy shifted.

"I still have a hankering to go straight, Jesse."

Jesse laughed. "You're wanted in two counties. How's that gonna happen?"

Billy looked down at his hands. He didn't know.

"You want him to stay with us, don't you?" Jesse asked Barbara.

"Yes, I do. I'd love for him to stay."

Missie glanced at Barbara.

"Do you want to stay?" Jesse asked Missie.

Missie caught Jesse's eyes. "I want to stay wherever my husband is."

Jesse scoffed at her words.

Missie clenched her jaw and started walking away.

"It should be a good show. It's gonna be exciting," Jesse said.

Billy hopped off the fence and started walking after Missie. However, she didn't slow down as he continued to trail her.

"Missie!" He called.

She slowly turned, looking at him, wiping her forehead, dropping her arm in defeat. "I know I said I'd support you no matter what, and I will try. But this isn't going to work," she sighed. "We can't raise a baby like this here. This life isn't for a child."

"Hey," Billy whispered, cupping her face. "I'm going to take care of you. You and the baby. I love you."

He slowly pressed his lips to hers, slowly pulling away, resting his forehead on hers, his nose pressed against hers. "You see?"

Missie slowly nodded, however he knew she was still hesitant.

She walked away, Billy held her hand until he couldn't any longer and watched her walk towards the house.


Billy walked up to the stables where Jesse now was, working on his horse's shoe.

"I need a horse," Billy said.

Jesse was quiet a moment. "Why?"

"Because of what Ollinger said," Billy lied, avoiding telling him about the baby. "Me riding with you ain't a good idea."

Billy walked towards him as he stood up and turned to face him.

"That the real reason?" Jesse asked.

"What'd you mean?"

"I mean... Missie. She don't like me. Let me ask you: is she making this decision for you? Are you her little lap dog?"

Billy restrained himself from punching him.  "Are you going to lend me a horse or not?" He asked heatedly.

Jesse stared at him, slowly grabbing his horse's leg, lifting it.

"Send it back when you can," he answered.

"Thank you."

"Why don't you stay with us for the day? I want the boys to see your skills before you go. You'll put 'em all to shame!"

Billy didn't answer as he walked away.

He entered the house, slowly walking to his bedroom and knocking as he slowly opened the door.

Missie was sitting in the chair and glanced up, sewing needle in her mouth.

Billy glanced at what she was making, a baby blanket.

"You should pack," he said.

Missie pulled the needle out of her mouth. "Why?"

"We're going away, I don't know where yet, but somewhere."


"Tomorrow morning."

Missie stared at him. "Are you sure?"

Billy slowly knelt down in front of her. "I don't want our baby growing up and his memories of me are of me being an outlaw."

Missie softly smiled. "His?"

Billy broke a smile and shrugged. "I'll find us a place to call home."

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