Chapter 35

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The two rode together, the days blending into each other. Missie made sure to walk as much as she could and Billy would join her until he insisted she rest and ride.

However the previous night she barely slept a wink as the baby was constantly moving. So she rode with Billy. She sat in front, and his arms were wrapped around her so she could sleep if need be.

"This baby never sleeps," she said as the baby continued to move. "It's your fault."

Billy laughed, kissing her shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Missie leaned her head back on his shoulder. "Four months until winter."

She couldn't wait, by then she would be holding her baby.

The two passed by two wagons, Billy nodded his head to them, slowly coming to a stop before he continued again. They reminded him of his family and how they had come here for better. How cruel and disappointing life had been for his family. However, he was starting again, with new hopes and dreams, with his new family.

"I miss them too," Missie whispered as if she could read his thoughts.

Billy pressed his cheek to the top of her head. "Do you think about your parents?"

"All the time.. at least what I can remember."

"How long was it just your pa and you?"

Missie didn't talk about her ma much, and Billy usually didn't pry.

"A few years.. I was young when the bandits shot her. I don't like to remember that day."

Billy kissed her head, not pushing her for more.

"I didn't understand my pa until now."

"What do you mean?"

"I thought we'd never leave that spot... I thought he was going to die with her. He waited three days before burying her. His cries still haunt my dreams sometimes. He loved her so much, that's what I remember most, their love for each other. Eventually, he got up and started on our way again, but he was never the same. I wasn't either, but it's different, a child losing a parent is one thing, losing someone who's a part of your soul is another. Both heartbreaking. He had many more years with her than I did, he never loved another like her."

Billy listened, he couldn't imagine a life without Missie, she had been there longer than anyone else before. He couldn't imagine coming back and her not welcoming him home. He didn't like to think of a world where she wasn't in it.

"Do you wish your Pa hadn't brought you out West?" Missie asked, her fingers dancing on his forearm.

"Sometimes... I reckon they'd all still be alive if he hadn't..."

Missie bit her cheek.

"But then I wouldn't have met you," he continued, his hand resting on her abdomen. "You two are worth all the heartache if that's what led me to this moment."

Missie rested her hand on top of his, intertwining their fingers, gently squeezing.


The two continued until they came to a city, where a Native American was sitting on the outskirts.

"This Chihuahua?" Billy asked.

The man didn't answer and Billy continued forward.

They found an inn and Billy got them a room. Billy led the way, opening the door, letting her pass and enter first.

Missie sighed at the sight of a bed. She quickly walked over and laid down on it, sighing in pleasure. How she took a bed for granted.

Billy glanced at her as he placed their belongings down, glancing out of the window.

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