Chapter 38

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Billy met up with Melquiades at nightfall.

"Careful huh? Or we're dead," he greeted as they walked into the bar.

Melquiades walked to where some drinks were and Billy leaned on the bar.

"Señor Segura," A man shouted.

"Don Ortiz," he answered, pouring a drink.

"You came back."

"Why wouldn't I, Don Ortiz?"

"No reason."

Billy followed Melquiades to the table where Don Ortiz was seated.

"Who's your friend?"

"This white boy? His name is William."

Billy slowly looked around the bar, getting a sight of his surroundings as music filled his ears.

"Un Gringo," Ortiz said with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Yes! Anything wrong with that?"

"Sit down. You are very welcome... Gringo."

"Thank you," Billy said, taking his hat off and having a seat.

The men starting a game of poker.

"Don't be a coward Segura," Ortiz said as they started to lay their cards out.

Ortiz sighed. "The house wins." He grabbed all the pesos on the table and looked at them. "Another one?"

Billy glanced around seeing a man with a gun leaning near the door. He really hoped he hadn't made a mistake as they agreed to another game.

The night drew on as they continued to play.

"Show your cards," Ortiz said at the end of the round.

Billy laid his cards down and the men exclaimed.

"Very well guerito," Melquiades said.

They went for another game.

"Show your card."

"Three tits," Melquiades said, with a mischevious grin.

"You're lucky today," Ortiz said.

Billy slowly watched as Melquiades started grabbing his winnings. The two of them working together, signalling each other by a look when they had a good round.

Another game.

"Show your cards."

Billy showed his card and the men groaned.

"Son of a bitch. He wins, again!" Melquiades exclaimed. "Don Ortiz, we had fun but we gotta go."

"Muchas gracias," Billy said, standing up.

"It won't be so easy next time, Segura," Ortiz warned as the two of them exited the bar.

"You got your money," Billy said as they walked away from the bar. "I'm never going back in there again. I thought I was gonna have to shoot my way out. But tonight, I'm gonna sleep like a baby."

"Sleep?" Melquiades asked as Billy walked away from diving up their winnings. "No, no. Hey, hey, who said anything about sleep?"

Melquiades led him to where there was a crowd of dancing and drinking, two women on a bar dancing.

Billy took a shot of whiskey before he patted Melquiades shoulder. "I'll leave you to it," Billy said.

"Come on, stay! Drink! Have fun with the ladies."

"I have one waiting on me already," Billy smiled.

"Why not have more than one?"

"Because when she's the right one you don't need more than her."

Melquiades scoffed and patted his shoulder. "Alright my friend, have fun with the wife."

Billy nodded walking back to the inn.

He walked into their room where Missie was already in bed asleep. He quietly undressed and slid into bed next to her.

"You're back," she hummed, wrapping her arms around him. "How was the game?"

"We won a few rounds, enough to get Melquiades his money back."


"How was your night?"

Missie shrugged. "Better now."

Billy smiled and kissed her forehead as she drifted back to sleep.

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