Chapter 29

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The week had gone by semi smoothly, the men seemed to respect her enough to not try anything, however, Jesse eyed her uncomfortably at times. It was like he was trying to fuck her with his eyes, making her feel ill anytime she looked at him.

She was grateful when they rode off however, weeks had gone by and Billy had yet to arrive. Missie eventually started going out every night, riding to try and find him, only to find nothing.

She was beginning to think the worst.

She was getting ready to head out that afternoon when Jesse returned.

"I found him!" He called.

Missie ran to Jesse's horse who had Billy slung over it.

She flinched as she touched his face.

"Is he-"

"He's alive. Barely."

Missie sighed in relief as Ollinger slung him over his shoulder and carried him inside.

"Don't I get a thank you?" Jesse asked, grabbing her arm, stopping her from following.

Missie glared at him, pulling her arm out of his grip. She didn't bother to answer, he wasn't worth the time.

She ran into her bedroom where Billy was placed on the bed.

Missie quickly undressed him to his undergarments and grabbed some cool damp cloths to place on his head and chest.

He didn't wake as she gently cleaned his face. She softly brushed his curls, feeling her tears of relief slide down her cheeks. He was alive. He would be alright.

She kissed his cheek and continued to clean him and try to cool him down.

For weeks he laid unconscious and she didn't dare leave his side, tending to him. She would often fall asleep in the chair beside him, holding his hand.

Today was no different as she was sitting next to him and was about to change his cool cloths and she felt his hand twitch in hers.

"Billy?" She asked.

"What?" Billy asked, panicked, starting to sit up, gasping.

"Hey, you're alright, Billy, it's me," she comforted, resting her hand on his shoulder as he calmed down.


"Yeah, I'm here," she reassured.

"How did I get here? I don't understand. Where am I?"

"New Mexico," she answered, gently pushing on his shoulder as he tried to get up. "You're still sick, Billy."

Billy didn't fight her and instead fell back into the bed.

"I'm going to take care of you, til you're all better again, alright?"

"Missie?" He asked, his voice hoarse.

"Yeah?" She whispered, brushing his curls on his forehead.

"I'm tired."

Missie's heart broke, she hated seeing him like this. She just wanted to be able to make him feel better right here and now.

"You can sleep, Billy, I'll be here when you wake up," she promised, kissing his forehead. "Sleep, my love."

He slowly fell asleep as she pressed a cool damp towel to his forehead. She held his hand and kissed it, grateful he was getting better.

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