Chapter 9

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Missie watched as Billy left the saloon. He had lost to Jesse.

She was cleaning up their table when Jesse grabbed her wrist.

"Ya Billy's sweetheart?"

She nodded, pulling her arm away from him.

"Yeah? How long have you known Billy?"

"Five years, almost six."

Jesse nodded and puffed his cigar. "And he hasn't gone and locked you down yet?"

"Not that it's any of your business, he's going to marry me when he gets a job."

"Yeah? How convenient that he hasn't found one and yet he still steals all your kisses."

She quickly walked off.


Billy was walking, his mind lost in how he was going to make money, how he just lost every penny he had. On top of that Missie was slowly being shunned in this town because of him, and Antrim somehow survived barely wounded from the accident. All these thoughts swarmed his mind when Jesse called out to him.

"Hey, Billy! Hold up there."

Billy sighed and continued walking.

"Sorry I took all your savings," Jesse said, catching up to him. "Just got lucky. Hey, what're you doing later today? You, uh, wanna do some practicing?" He asked as Billy stopped in front of the restaurant.

"I don't know Jesse," he said, not feeling up to shooting.

"I'll bring the Winchester," Jesse bribed.

"Okay," Billy said after a moment, nodding.
Jesse nodded. "Later, kid."

Billy sighed before he opened the door.

"Morning," he said to a guest as he walked in. "Hey Ma," he greeted, hanging up his hat, as she was washing dishes.

"Hi, Billy."

"Here, let me," he said, taking over doing the dishes.

"Thank you," she said, grabbing a plate to hand out to guests.

"Hello there, Kathleen," Mr. Upson said as he walked in. "How's your day going?"

"Not bad, Mr. Upson. Always nice to see you."

"How do Billy?"

"Mr. Upson."

"Any chance I could get some coffee?" He asked as Kathleen passed him.

"Sure you can."

"So how are things going?" Mr. Upson asked.

"Keeping busy. There's no real work around here. Nothing regular, anyway. I lined up at the mines, but they said they're not issuing licenses right now."

"Here you go," Ma said, handing him a cup of coffee.

"Ma'am. You could always join one of the railway gangs."

"That'd take me away from Missie, Ma, and Joe. You know I can't do that," he said going to a table and grabbing the silverware.

"So, there's a rancher by the name of Billy Matthews, he has a big place just outside of town. I could try putting in a good word for you."

"How's your investigation going?" Billy asked.

"Well, there are some people here in Silver City who know more than they're telling. Some of them are getting quite nervous."

Mr. Upson looked back and watch his Ma as she handed some guest their food.

"Your mother works too hard. I'm going to introduce you to Matthews."

"Thank you."

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