Chapter 30

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Missie continued to care for Billy until he regained some strength. She never left his side.

Eventually he was almost completely back to normal and had enough energy to sit out on the porch.

Missie got him some water and wrapped a blanket around him, much to his protest, but she insisted, taking a seat next to him.

She had introduced him to Barbra Jones who passed by making her way to the barn.

"So this is Lincoln County," Billy said.

"Just outside Fort Stanton."

"This Barbra's place?"

Missie shook her head. "No. It was empty when they found it. They are just staying here for now."

"Who's they?"

"There's a group called the Seven River Gang. Right now the boys are away, rustling herds."

"How did I get here? I don't remember much apart from the trail and coyotes, and... when my horse got stolen."

"One of the boys found you on the trail. You were flat out and like to die, he said. He brought you back here. I'm sorry if my markers weren't enough- I knew I was spacing them out too far apart- I-"

"No, they were perfect, did their job until I lost my horse."

Missie sighed. "I was so scared, there's wanted posters for you all over the state. I thought maybe someone found you. Or worse-"

Missie trailed off and stared out to the view.

"Come here," Billy said, patting his leg.

Missie slowly sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

"How long are the boys gonna be away?" Billy asked.

"Another week or so I guess," Missie answered with a shrug.

Billy nuzzled his nose in her neck, hiding his smile. He had her back.

She softly brushed her hand through his hair. "Don't ever scare me like that again Henry McCarty," she whispered, kissing his head, wrapping her arms around his shoulders tightly, wanting to never let go of him again.

"Yes Ma'am," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I mean it, Billy," she whispered, quickly pulling away and staring at his eyes. "I know it's a promise you can't keep, but just for right now, promise me you'll never leave me."

She gently played with his curls, studying him, trying to memorize everything.

He gently brushed his thumb across her cheek. "I promise," and he meant it. The two of them would die together, old and gray, hand in hand.

She slowly nodded, resting her head on his shoulders. She was so tired. She finally could sleep peacefully, knowing he was alright. She felt her eyelids grow heavy as he gently played with strands of her hair.

"Billy?" She mumbled, closing her eyes and nuzzling her cheek on his shoulder, her hand running up and down his chest.

"Yes darlin'?"

"I love you."

Billy smiled as she slowly drifted to sleep. He kissed her forehead and enjoyed the sound of the birds singing, the insects chirping, and Missie's steady breathing. He didn't care when his leg fell asleep, he didn't care that the minutes passed, he could stay right here forever.

Barbra made her way back from working in the barn and leaned on the porch rail. Billy glanced at her.

"You're all she could think about, you know? She loves you mighty fiercely."

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