When He Finds Out It's Your Time Of The Month

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You were hanging out in your room that the Hamato family prepared in the lair. Then as you were playing a game on your phone, you felt a sharp pain in your, area. You cursed under your breath and squeaked in pain. You knew that your stuff was at home, but you didn't want to tell Leo what was happening. You tried to sneak out of the lair without anybody seeing you. But you heard a voice. "Where you going princess?" Leo asked, walking towards you. "Just home." you said wincing in pain. "Are you okay?" Leo asked. You couldn't take the pain anymore. "JUST FLIPPING ASK DONNIE WHAT A PERIOD IS!!!! I'M ON IT!!!!" you yelled, then ran home. Leo panicked then ran to the lab to find Donnie. "Donnie, what's a period?" Leo bursted in the lab. "Hey Leo. It's a dot at the end of a sentence." Donnie said. (mental facepalm) "No. (Y/N) said that she is having it." Leo explained. Donnie froze and blushed. "Um, a period is..." Donnie whispered the rest to Leo. When Donnie was finished, Leo blushed, thanked him, grabbed some things, and went to your apartment. By the time he got there, you already changed. You heard tapping. Leo came in with some ice cream and some pain killers. "Once a month, right?" Leo asked. "Yup." you said, smiling. You and Leo just snuggled all night.

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