Chapter 20

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Dia frowned and looked at me before she reached out for me, and I bit back a small smile and took her into my lap again. "No crying, Mama," she said and patted my cheeks with a small pout on her face. "Stop tears."

I bit back a small chuckle and blinked back some more tears that wanted to fall before I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat. "I am trying not to cry, Dia," I said, my voice barely above a whisper, and blinked some more tears. I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat some more while I looked at Avery.

Avery pressed her lips into a thin line. She didn't say a word while she stared at us and then looked toward the spot where her mother stood.

Michael cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. "Does Carter know?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question, and I shook my head no while I pressed my lips into a thin line.

"It's... been suggested that he doesn't know either," I said and wiped my eyes a little before I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat. "Well, at least, for right now."

"Why not?" Avery asked and folded her arms across her chest while she raised an eyebrow in question. She scowled and narrowed her eyes while she looked at me. "My mom is his first mate."

"But I am his true mate, Avery," I said before I sighed and shook my head, moving a hand through my hair and across my face. "Yes, we are each other's second chance mates, but we are each other's true mates."

Avery opened her mouth to say something before she closed it when Isen cleared his throat and patted the table to get her attention. She looked at Isen and narrowed her eyes but stayed silent with a scowl on her face.

"Do not start nor finish that sentence, Avery," he warned and narrowed his eyes further while he scowled.

"Isen," I warned both out loud and through our bond, but the Dryad didn't even look at me or give me any indication that he heard me.

Avery pressed her lips onto a thin line and stared at the Dryad. She didn't say a word while she looked at him, and I could tell that she wanted to but didn't.

The back door opened again, and we looked that way to see Sam by the door, taking off his boots and looking like shit with twigs and leaves stuck in his hair.

"Sam?" I asked and stood, shifting my daughter so that she was still in my arms. I pressed my lips into a thin line while I stared at him, worried about my cousin's friend.

Sam paused in taking off his boots and looked at us with wide eyes and a large gash on his head that was slowly healing. He didn't say a word while he blinked and looked at us before he looked at me again.

"Goddess, Sam, what happened?" I asked and handed my daughter off to Isen before I walked over to where Karen kept a first aid kit so that I could take care of his head wound. "Are you ok?"

Sam set his jaw and shrugged before he finished taking his boots off and stepped in with socks that had multiple holes in it. He didn't say a word while he closed the door behind him.

"Samuel," I said again before I walked over to him.

Sam shrugged and pressed his lips into a thin line before he cleared his throat and shifted on his feet. "I have been better," he said and took some debris out of his hair. "Why?"

I shook my head and pressed my lips into a thin line. I didn't say a word and gestured for him to sit down in the chair that Isen had pulled out for him.

Sam bit back a small sigh and shook his head before he sat down, not arguing with me because he knew that I wasn't going to allow him to. "Are you all ok?" he asked and looked around while he noticed that everyone looked grim. "What happened?" He looked at me again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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