Chapter 17

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I walked into Karen's house with Isen and my sister following me to see both Karen and Blue sitting at the kitchen table talking about something.

Blue looked up when Isen closed the door, and relief filled his eyes before it turned to worry. "Anastasia?" he asked while he stood from the table and walked over to me. "What happened? Are you ok?"

I bit the inside of my lips before I shook my head and looked down, not able to meet his gaze. "I got into an argument with Carter," I said and shrugged, grimacing. "I'm fine, though."

Blue narrowed his eyes and scowled before he looked at Isen. "Is she?" he asked, and I couldn't help but scowl just a little because I could tell that he didn't believe me.

"She will be," Isen replied. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow, silently asking me if it would be fine for them to know what happened and why Carter and I had gotten into a disagreement.

"You can tell him," Alexia said while her face became filled with pain and sadness, and I glanced at her from the corner of my eye before I looked at them. "He has the right to know. He's been more of a father to you than ours, Anastasia. Karen can know, too."

I subtly nodded before I cleared my throat and shifted on my feet, growing serious. "There is something that I need to talk to you two about," I said, and they looked at each other before they looked at me.

"What is it?" Blue asked and gestured for me to come to the table and then sit across from him. "What happened? Why did you look so dazed when you walked out of the house this afternoon?"

"Because something called me," I replied and walked over to the table sat down across from him with Isen sitting at my side and Alexia standing behind me, and Blue sat down again.

Blue and Karen looked at each other before they looked at me. "What do you mean?" he asked while he raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean that something called you? Called you where?"

I moved a hand through my hair before I shook my head and cleared my throat. "I mean that something called me," I said while I furrowed my brows and pressed my lips into a thin line, trying to figure out how to explain it to them. "It felt as if I was in a daze and had to walk to a room."

Isen looked at me and rolled his eyes, scowling before he looked at Blue and Karen. "It's like she was in a trance or something that caused her that way," he said. "No, I did not put it on her. They wouldn't have like it." He pointed to the sky as if he was talking about the Gods he served and raised both of his eyebrows in unison.

Blue and Karen looked at each other again before they looked at me. "Where were you called to?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

I sighed and moved a hand through my hair before I shook my head and cleared my throat. "To Carter's home," I said softly. "I went to Carter's home and went into his and Alexia's son's room."

"Why?" Blue asked and I looked at my hands before I shrugged. "Anastasia," he scolded softly, narrowing his eyes. "Why did you go in there?"

I licked my lips and cleared my throat. "I was called there," I said again, my voice barely above a whisper, before I cleared my throat again and shifted in my seat. "Magic called me."

Both Karen and Blue looked at each other before they looked at me.

"Magic?" Blue asked and raised an eyebrow in question, and I nodded in confirmation. "How?"

I shrugged and bit the inside of my lip, not knowing how to tell him.

Blue bit back a small sigh and shook his head before he looked at Isen and raised an eyebrow in question. "Do you know what happened, Isen?" he asked, and Isen nodded in confirmation.

The Luna That I Replaced (Book 2 of Witfall Pack)Where stories live. Discover now