Chapter 14

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I was running as fast as I could, chasing after something that I couldn't see. However, I didn't care.

I was more interested in this race, this chase and what prize that I would get at the end.

They'll get themselves stuck, and then I can plan. I smirked when that thought went through my mind and waited for the right moment to strike.

Wait a minute, I thought and wanted to stop chasing the person that I was chasing but couldn't for some odd reason. What is going on? Why am I here chasing someone when I had been in a bedroom, reaching for a blanket that belonged to my sister's son?

That thought drifted past, and I again focused on the hunt in front of me.

I could feel that they were slowing down, looking for another twist or a turn to throw me off but knew that in the end it would be futile, for I would catch them and make them pay.

But pay for what? What am I doing? Who am I chasing? What is even going on?

Again, those thoughts left me while I ran after the person that I was chasing. I could feel my body start to hum with excitement because the person that I was chasing was again slowing down as the trees started to thin out and was replaced with an open field that slowly started to rise up.

As soon as the trees dispersed, I saw that it was my sister that I was chasing, someone who was given everything that I had ever wanted.

Alexia, no...

Alexia stumbled to a stop when she reached a ledge and twisted around until she was facing me.

I slowed down and started to make my way towards her, and my heart became filled with glee because I was finally able to cause her as much pain as she caused me.

Run, Alexia! Run past me. Shove me away. Save yourself! I wanted to scream but couldn't. Don't let me kill you.

Those thoughts drifted away from my mind while I sneered and narrowed my eyes. "Well, well, well," I all but purred, gleefully. "Look who I caught and finally passed."

Alexia stayed silent and made no move to defend herself. She didn't blink nor look afraid, and that pissed me off.

"What?" I asked, my voice hard and cold. "Why aren't you afraid? Don't you know that I am here to kill you?"

She nodded, keeping her eyes on me. "I do," she replied, her voice soft. "I know that you are to kill me."

"Then scream, cry. Do something. Beg me to not kill you. Why are you just there?"

Please, scream, I wanted to beg her with a shake in my voice. Save yourself from what I am about to do. Think of your child and your mate. Leave. Don't stay.

"Because, I am," she replied and dipped her head slightly but not low enough to not be looking in my eye. "I have accepted my fate." She stayed still while I stopped in front of her and pulled out my gun.

I scoffed a laugh and rolled my eyes. "Do you still think that you are so much better than me?" I asked, disgust and bitterness filling my voice. "Is that why you don't make a sound?"

"No, Anastasia, I-"

"SHUT UP!" I snapped and yelled while I smacked her across the face with my gun, and she fell to the ground, bleeding. "JUST SHUT UP!"

Fight me, I wanted to beg but couldn't. Go please. Take my gun and kill me. I can't fight his control.

Save yourself.

The Luna That I Replaced (Book 2 of Witfall Pack)Where stories live. Discover now