Chapter 12

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A/N: I promise. I am working on this story. However, I have been working on others more. If you want me to update this before I actually do, feel free to tell me to update, but please give me about three days to do so.




I walked downstairs after I had finished my shower and felt a little better, even though a part of me was still feeling a bit down.

I bit back a small smile when I heard my daughter's screaming laughter and dipped my head closer to my chest, and my heart grew warm.

"Uncle Isen! Stop!" my daughter exclaimed with joyful laughter. "You'll make me wee!"

"Don't make my daughter wee, Isen," I said and walked into the dining room to see Isen mock biting her with two pieces of grape stuck to his teeth, "or else you can clean her up, and I'm talking about bath and all."

Both Isen and Dia looked towards me with wide eyes and mocked innocent expressions on their faces.

They didn't say a word while they looked at me, each one of them gleaming with pure innocence that they could muster behind the mischief they wanted to create.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them and smiled before I walked over to the table and sat down at the empty seat between my daughters after I ran a hand through Avery's hair and pecked Dia's cheek.

"Mom," Avery grumbled and swatted at my hands playfully. "Stop. Please, don't touch my hair."

"Hmph," I said, and a small smile appeared on my face while I nodded. "Of course." I cleared my throat and looked at the faces gathered at the table, staring at me with the same expression of worry on their face that I didn't like.

I frowned and cocked my head while I studied them, worry blooming in my chest while I thought about Jo and silently wondered if something happened to her. "What?" I asked, not hiding the worry that I felt. "Did something happen to Jo? Is she ok?"

"Oh, nothing happened to Fox, Dear," Karen said and set food down in front of me, making sure to just give me a small bit. "Now, eat up. You need to get some more meat on your bones."

I held back an eye roll and didn't touch my plate, much to Karen's distaste by the fact that she clicked her tongue in annoyance. "What happened?" I asked and looked at them. "Why do you all have worried expressions on your faces if it doesn't have to deal with her?"

"Because we are worried about you," Isen said. He raised his hand to silence me, and I closed my mouth without saying a word. "We're worried about how much you can take before you break again."

Dia looked at us and frowned. Worry filled her big eyes, and I had no idea how much she understood. "Mama broken?" she asked. She pouted and cocked her head while she stared at me with eyes filled with tears. "Why Mama broken?"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes slightly. "Can we not have this discussion in front of Dia?" I asked, my voice showing how tired I was, even though I tried to hide it and was only above a whisper. "Please?"

Dia pouted and folded her arms across her chest. "I know," she huffed, and her pout grew larger. "I know."

I smiled sadly and moved a hand through her brown hair. "You'll know in time, baby girl," I said, and she pouted some more and swatted at my hands. "For right now, you worry about being cute." I reached over to pinch her little cheeks.

"No, Mama," she squealed and pushed my hands away from her cheeks while she leaned away from me. "My cheeks. No pull."

"Why not?" I teased but relented and moved my hands away from her face. "They are so pretty and cute."

The Luna That I Replaced (Book 2 of Witfall Pack)Where stories live. Discover now