Foul Fashionista

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(Heads up, here's going to be a lot of... Inappropriate language for some people, because we are talking about our favorite Pyscho Girl Junko. So if you get offended, I apologize in advance. You have been warned.)

"What's up my, nigg—"

A hand to her mouth in a flash as Y/N didn't want to be hearing any of that bullshit. He sure that he wasn't the Ultimate Lucky Student, or else this bullshit wouldn't be with him now. It really was true what they aid. Even if someone was amazing physically, the personality really did play an important factor. The key being the crazy nature of the blonde bitch in front of him.

"Nuh-uh, piss off. I am not letting you say that; you don't even have the pass."

The blondie looked slumped but was rejuvenated right away; warning bells going off harder than a Muslim with a backpack. "That's a shame. I mean... my knee grows."

Y/N paused. "What do you mean by that?" he said with a smirk, stroking his chin, only to pause and replay the words more slowly in his head. A blank expression appearing on his face. "Ain't no way I got caught with that? This is like getting hit with a—"

"Deez nuts, jokes! Exactly! I guess you can say I found the"—she coughed, preparing herself for more emotional damage—"chinks in your armour," she finished, extra emphasis and Y/N really was feeling it. He was about ready to transform into Chris Brown is this continued any further.

Seeing the annoyed look on his face, this was going to be her first act of kindness. Y/N blinked at seeing a trope expanded to real life. From within the confines of her cleavage were savoury snacks poking out. "You are giving me some? How do I know you haven't poisoned it, Junko? Still, you might be flatter or those tits are fake. Shouldn't they be crushed at this point?"

Junko shrugged her shoulders, fake tears. "How rude, you don't understand my kindness. Cracker..."

Another pause as Y/N really wanted to grind his head into the wall. His head slumped against the wall, lightly banging it and groaning. "You are 3 for 3 with this, how did I not see that coming?" Y/N complained, really feeling like his whole career was ended.

She was 3 for 3, but the four-peat was always desired. Her hand rubbing down his shoulder, going lower down his back; enough cause to make him stiff like new designer shoes being stepped on. Junko quick to push her hands back up. "Cheer up, Y/N. It could be worse," she said, finishing off her sentence for good. Character development that almost had Y/N tearing up.

"Yeah, you could be bald and have a big nose."

Now it would have been bad enough that he got psyched out like that, but this was to be expected from Junko. What he didn't expect was that it was Mukuro who had just finished saying that to him, reading from a sheet of paper and looking up to the both of them. "Did I do a good job?" she asked.

Junko smiled. "Yep, you stupid, useless pig," she said, Y/N really wishing that it wasn't blushing he saw on Mukuro's face as an envelope was thrown out the window. "There's the pictures of Makoto, all yours, dear sister!" Junko lying through every morsel of breath she took, but Mukuro still dove for the pictures.

"You're incorrigible," Y/N told her.

"Nope, I'm Junko," she replied back.

Y/N rolled his eyes at the dad joke; the bitch clearly didn't have any parents, or a decent role model, given how she turned out. "I'm going to fuck the racism out of you if you don't stop this," Y/N bluntly told her.

A simple flex and her bust came out even stronger. "Fuck me then, coward. I bet that limpdick of yours will be smaller than the rights of an animal. I bet PETA is pissed, but never mind that! Besides, I can't be racist, I close my eyes and don't say slurs when seeing just black! Oh, and my super secret, powerful plushie is half-black!"

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