Detecting Deceit Delightfully

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The elite are known to go to some of the best schools in the world. However, there is one school that rises taller than all and with a greater purpose: Hope's Peak Academy. A government-sanctioned private city-centre high school. The school was birthed in order to select students with exceptional gifts and research their talents in the hope that they would become the new pillars to reinvent the future. These Ultimates, as they were dubbed, are recruited and trained in a much different way to normal students, all to ensure that they come out and are set for life - a common phrase dished around that branded the school with much attention and envy.

For those in Hope's Peak Academy, their lives are very much different to the regular high school studies of other schools, even among private ones. Their Ultimate talents carrying them through life, and only a few practical exams to showcase their Ultimate talent being required for them. Though failure risks expulsion, they all bear the strength to be guaranteed success for life. As easy as it is, penning all the talent in one place will inevitably lead to a clashing between high ego individuals. When that happens, how will they contain what mess might come from it?


"This is the third time she's given me a request similar to this. It's really strange."

Y/N continued walking down the hall to his classmate's room. His finger twirled a needle around with a thread, letting it spin like crazy. Y/N's steps were lazy, a bag in one hand.

Knocking on the door, he heard that calm voice let him in. Y/N knew he could have just walked in and she wouldn't have minded much, but Y/N knew the pain of people coming into his room for no reason and not knocking. That was the worse.

Y/N placed the bag close to her, letting her take it out herself. She did order it. "Hope it fits. If there's any specific adjustments, just hit me up again. It'll give me a good excuse to shoo away others," Y/N remarked.

The lavender-haired girl gripped the clothes out of the bad, briefly scanning them as if it was enough for her to appraise how it was, then set them down. The corners of her mouth upturned and she nodded. "Yes, thanks."

'A curt reply as always. I guess that's how it's always been with Kyoko. Still, wish I could see her look a bit more happy. I feel like she's got her emotions running on mute settings.'

"I hope you don't mind me asking," Y/N started, getting Kyoko's usual look. It wasn't a yes outright, but it wasn't a no. "Why do you want these outfits? I'm not judging you, but it doesn't fit your tastes, does it? It's more in line with—"

"Junko," Kyoko cut him off with one word.

That name alone completed Y/N's answers, his head slowly nodding in response. "Ah, that... makes a ton of sense. I'm not even going to ask how or why, since she'll probably somehow find this conversation as a way to get me in trouble. She's some despair-carrying calamity, I swear."

Silence took place between the two afterwards. It wasn't anything uncommon, as neither one of them were social by many standards. The world coming to a standstill as neither one of them really had a clue on what to do next.

"Did you need anything else?" Kyoko broke the deadlock with the question, which was pretty common with her being a bit blunt.

Y/N put his foot off the wall. "Nah, I guess not. See you around, I guess," Y/N told her, his tone a bit quieter as he took a moment longer to shut her door after leaving.

After making sure that she was alone, Kyoko slumped in her chair and clutched the fabric of the clothing tighter. The veins in her fist subsiding as she took to getting her breath back, looking like a ghost hit her with exhaustion.

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