Chocolate Craze

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"Please make it quick. I have a schedule to follow. It's practically the one thing my life is supposed to be built around."

The pink-haired Ultimate with a bratty attitude pouted. "It's not like I want to ask you for help, but you are the only one! And it's for Seiko!"

Hearing that, Y/N relented. "Fine then, Ruruka. Just make it quick, I have a lot of work to get done. Doesn't help that white-haired psycho was responsible for blowing up a part of the school. There's all the complaints and requests I'm getting from Ishimaru, not to mention the Student Council is in a mess."

Ruruka huffed, strutting away as Y/N forced himself to follow her. He could tell regret would follow him, but Y/N moved all the same. 'He won't know what hit him... unless... does he know?!' Ruruka thought with concern.

Y/N didn't know.


Events can spiral out of control, such was the case of Y/N. His body strapped to a chair, black fabric that contained him like he was dubbed a nutcase. "Is this really necessary?"

Ruruka grinning as she brought out boxes full of chocolate. The size of them enough to give a diabetic a heart attack. "Anything can be done for the sweetness of chocolates. I just need you to taste test these chocolates for me! I have to make ones perfect for Seiko to eat!"

"And you need to strap me down?" he inquired, scouring his surroundings for Sonosuke. He was used to the Ultimate Blacksmith appearing from nowhere with sharp daggers; Y/N didn't doubt his aim, or if he would appear out of nowhere.

Ruruka ignored him, though creases made subtle cameos in her face. "Just eat it!" she complained. "You don't want to see me rage!" she threatened, but Y/N could only chuckle. The wrong image coming to his head as a familiar video played out.

'I would like to see her throw it back, annoying as she is,' he thought.

Ruruka's chocolate-eating session could only be compared to a live action of Hansel and Gretel, without the Gretel and the 'witch' was attractive this time. Hopefully, she didn't want to eat him up.

Chocolate depleted in a time-lapse as a wave of sugar and imminent diabetes disoriented Y/N as all the sugar was really making him feel like Hansel. They were perfect, addictive confectionery, yet none of it overpowered and weighed on his stomach. He could eat enough to make a bank bankrupt.

"Hold up... didn't you say you made these sweets for Seiko? Then why the hell am I strapped down eating them?!" Y/N complained in a brusque tone, thrashing about in his restraints.

A dark veil over Ruruka's face came. She had the look of a mastermind, even more menacing as a real injection of fear began to twist Y/N's body. "Oh, shut up!"

A ringing blowing in the room like a loose grenade as a wave of cursed words would have left Y/N's mouth at being so promptly bitch-slapped. The next moment twisting his mind, flipping the script of reality. A new kind of chocolate that took him someplace else as Ruruka... she wasn't looking too bad herself.

Questions were thrown at him whilst Ruruka disappeared from his sight. Y/N answered them with a vacant stare, his resistance falling off with each inquiry. Ruruka meeting close to his face. "Then you'll let me win this contest, right?" she whispered, putting a honey twist on her words as her eyes melted softly like butter, picking at any vulnerability she could expose.

"I... I refuse!"

Ruruka felt like she'd trip. "W-what'd did you say?"

Y/N chuckled, still dazed, still aroused, but still himself. "I do have my pride as an Ultimate. There's no way I'm letting you just tie me up, stuff me with delicious chocolates, then end it like that."

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