Special Soup

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"Hope feels good."

Nagito was being Nagito, but in this case, he was perhaps the most sane of them all right there. You'd think that having the Ultimate Chef was great, and it was. Except for the current case, from which everyone had eaten the soup. A fever of 'fuck everything that moves' hitting them all. Akane and Nekomaru looking ready to kiss like the latter didn't look double her age. the pink-haired, shark-toothed simp trying to do something to the foreign princess Sonia; the resident baby gangsta showcasing incredible willpower to hold him off.

'This is hell,' Y/N thought, his discipline and degeneracy coming at full force like the real life manifestation of having an angel and devil on his shoulder.

One part of him moving to resist engaging in such inappropriate behaviour. They were students, Ultimates, meant to represent the hope of the world; not the horniness of it. Twitter, Reddit, and a lot more already did that. One thing Y/N tried to keep in his heart were words from an old teacher; if there's something you can never take back, you probably shouldn't do it. Getting his freak on, with the potential of losing his virginity? Definitely something he couldn't take back.

But how could he resist? There was so much going on. Mahiru took to doing sexy selfies, Y/N feeling the urge to be her model in more than one way. Peko tried to help Fuyuhiko, only to end up being grabbed by Mikan, who was busy showing her future titfucking skills as she yearned to play for the top of her sword despite the risks. Y/N's zip was easy to take off, it would just require on second to get what he wanted, what he thought he needed.

A surge of willpower forced itself through his body as Y/N shook his head, slamming his hands against the table, but even that wasn't helping. A familiar calling to that as the pain was blanked out by Y/N imagining all the nasty activities that were possible even on a table. The girl's dazed face as her head collided with the table while he mounted her like a ferocious animal, breeding her all the same until her stomach swelled up.

"I have to leave!"

A sharp pain as Y/N banged his ankle against a table, feeling as if it was a twisted rabbit leg and wolves were behind him. Still, once Y/N made it out of the class, air came back to him. He'd barely escaped it, yet he was already going hyper. The effects of the soup workings its shenanigans on him as Y/N panicked. 'What do I do? What do I do? How do I stop being horny?! I could cut it off...'

Trailing off there, Y/N was getting desperate. His nature to keep himself pure making him consider castration for even the briefest of moments, but then his vision was clouded and pressed to the wall. Y/N pulling himself off from the pillows, and his patience had hit a fine limit. His heart thumping like crazy as none other than Chisa Yukizome, the teacher themselves. That would have been fine... had she not drank the potion.

Fearing for his purity was understandable with the way she hungrily looked at him, the female gaze in full effect as Chisa didn't see him as a person in that moment. No, right now he was just a rare piece of meat for her to snack on. If Chisa was sugary sweet, then it could be said the level of depravity running through her was straight diabetes. Y/N unable to escape as not only did Chisa pin him against the wall, her feet wrapped around his and her arm was keeping him in place.

"Where are you going? Class hasn't finished, Y/N. You're not usually like this," she purred, tracing her fingers underneath his chin and forcing his eyes to peer into her. A freaky abyss that drew him in to stare at her.

Y/N weakly pushed her fingers away. "I could say the same to you!" Y/N responded, trying his best to outrun her as best he could. His heart racing so much, once again torn between the ultimate sides of good and evil. However, he could do nothing when Chisa suddenly groped his crotch, practically going limp as Chisa took the chance to take him somewhere private with no distractions.

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