part 37: eureka!

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"bravo-6 to bravo-7 we got obstacles in the way of your track to san francisco... They're armed.."

The guy behind the radio then cut the comms before the motorcade abruptly stopped its tracks. From a drone perspective several armed personnel were seen on toyota trucks, it was unknown to what firearms they were carrying but the operator can make out rifles. There seems to be small landmines or IEDs 90 meters away from the motorcade, it was an attempted ambush.

With a threat finally showing themselves the army jumped into action, rapid response teams were called in by the leading lieutenant commander. CIA were outgunned but those who were bringing enough firepower and armor joined in for the firefight.

"The hell is going on?" Alex asked looking out of the window seeing armed men approaching to the front.

"Hostiles inbound 100 meters away from us, the road is filled with landmines we cant cross over." Jenna replied.

Piña then tapped alex, "what did she say?"

"Enemies, an attempted ambush was made but we got lucky." Replied alex, piña then started to panic slightly fearing for the worst to come.

"Bravo-6 to charlie team the enemy is heavily armed are you sure you got this?" Said someone on the radio of the lieutenant Commander.

"We won't directly engage, we will engage behind the treeline via sniper, get the response team here quickly to get us out of this mess.." said the lieutenant before gesturing his troops.

They climbed the small hill on the right side of the road, they slowly walked towards the enemy unseen as two black hawk helicopters were bolting towards the location of the princess, the Cascade wonderland highway near the Coal creek. The place was almost isolate besides a couple of houses, it was dead silent with the chirping of birds filling up the dead silence.

Charlie team made their way to the enemy, they had a clear view while the enemy was still waiting for their target to arrive. The motorcade already have their engines turned off and headlights turned off aswell, they cant be heard or seen coming.

The marksman grabbed his M110 sniper rifle and aimed it at the enemy, "shit. I cant tell which one is their leader." The marksman said.

The lieutenant commander grabbed his binoculars and scanned the enemy, "those dont look like a special operations unit.. they might be a terrorist organization, im pretty sure these guys can be independent sometimes. I think its best to shoot the guy who's shouting words at them."

"What is that? Is that some kind of arabic language?" Said one of the rifleman.

"Are you fucking stupid? They're speaking spanish you clueless fuck." Said by another rifleman of charlie team.

The lieutenant sighed, "That means they're probably from a terrorist organization inside mexico, now i see how they managed to enter the state. Take that guy out."

"Roge." The marksman pulled the trigger taking down one of the enemy units, "tango down.."

The enemy started panicking, "qué pasó!? Nos han visto!? Todos encuentren a ese francotirador y mátenlo rápidamente."

"Get to positions! Move behind the trees and dont get shoot! Reinforcements at 5 minutes!" The lieutenant said.

At first these army troops seem ordinary troops to piña and her knights, but they were not just like any other soldier of the US military. They're part of the US army rangers, chosen to be an elite force to defend the princess and the other guests.

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