part 22: Untouchable

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Days have passed, the humanitarian aid efforts were going well and alot of people are having second thoughts on the americans and they were having good reviews although some still loyal at the pro-war faction kept on complaining about terrible treatment on the marines but they were ignored by the king since he knows it was all shenanigans. It was a week now and the hospital was all fixed up and was being upgraded with more medical equipment and expansion was necessary due to how many people were visiting the place.

The medics even taught the doctors in the empire how to use antibiotics and other medical equipment but the medics handled all of the electronics and the more complicated stuff. They did discover a new disease but it only affects animals and animal humanoids and it circles around the slums area of the kingdom. They were planning on making a vaccine on the disease since it doesn't infect normal humans and if it did its fatality rate is 2% but they need to cure it as soon as possible.

While yao in the other hand had problems with communicating with the people in the base and the highland village could not help her out in her situation aswell as the three girls. Lelei did ask the general about her but the general denied the request since the mountain was too far where yao's tribe were located and it also crossed the borders between al khazar and it might cause another misconception and leading to another conflict which they dont want to start.

She couldn't do anything and the man named alex finzel was mentioned by lelei saying he is the only one that can help her but yao doesn't know how to get contact with her. Yao pleaded so much offering a giant pink diamond and even offered herself. Everyone was willing to accept her request but realizing they were fighting three baby flame dragons and a dangerous tribe known as the dragon or dragoon warriors they hesitated immediately.

The sounds of a fighter jet passing by yao made her terrified, it was a noise far more intimidating than a dragon. She wondered why the babies of the elder flame dragon attacked her tribe and not their mother but she didnt knew the answer. But the elder flame dragon layed dead on a private american testing facility which still lies to this day and was frozen preventing it to rot.

She had to wait for alex but at the same time she was fearful for her tribe because they could be attacked at any moment. But the marines had other problems since the gangs finally took action on their humanitarian acts and bessara himself commanded over a thousand of his members to attack the HQ in the dead of night.

4:55 PM

"These damn green men think they can take away my land that i own? Tsk.. lets show these outsiders not to mess with us!" Bessara slammed his fist on the table, around him was his top most trusted members on his gang, they're basically military generals. But one of them was a nobleman, shin zu. He was wealthy and was bessara's number one source of weapons.

"Then how are we gonna attack them?" One of his trusted gang members asked.

"Like how we attack any outsider.. we got the weapons and theres only a hundred of them.. why are you such in a worried state? You did not join here to become a coward.." bessara said spilling his cup of water on the man's face. He was quite harsh on his boys but he was also caring for his family but he showed no remorse on ending other families lives.

"I-i am not scared your lord.. my apologies.." the man said.

"So.. when are we going to attack?" The nobleman asked.

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