part 10: Fighting a giant

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2:17 PM

"Ladies and gentlemen to the congress, the senate, and the house of representatives, and fellow citizens of this country. Today, I, president jackson heithcliff, stand before you."

Cameras zoomed in on the president making his formal speech of the declaration of war towards al khazar, the showcase of violent act towards his soldiers and to his citizens alike.


"Mister president, reports came in fort alnus, 5 soldiers were killed in a sudden ambush on the small military camp near italica, multiple injured with some suffering severe injuries while some only received minor injuries.."

The president rubbed his face after hearing about this sudden news, the agent then continued her report.

"Also the destroyer fleet passing by san Francisco has been attacked by wyverns but luckily killed the entire squadron, these two attacks have been done by the empire and their next attack might happen in a couple of days, they're likely doing guerilla warfare tactics on us.."

"Does that mean the convoy...?"

"Yes mister president, the logistics convoy you sent to a kingdom in an attempt on a possible peace treaty has been attacked by al khazarian wyvern's two trucks have been destroyed.."

"God damn it.." president jackson rubs his eyes from the stress he is feeling.

"Sir, we cannot just stand here and take a beating from the empire, government officials including the senate and other important figures are waiting for you to take the first step and handle this situation."

Jackson sighed, "i have a meeting with the congress at 2 in the afternoon, if this is my chance on having a declaration of war against these people then so be it.. i will handle this situation once and for all, i want the joint chief of staff to ready military forces and logistic supplies to construct more military buildings around the falmart continent.."

"And forgot to mention sir, japan along with the united kingdom has been actively planning on establishing their own military bases on the nearby continents their country is close with, their reason is the same as us and that's constant attacks from the special region.."

"The U.K have enough supplies to build a base there. but for japan its highly unlikely they have the necessary funds to do so." Jackson thought well before continuing, "i want the prime minister to discuss about sending the necessary funds to our NATO allies and inform japan that they have full authority to claim undisputed terrain on the special regiom, helping japan with this can maybe atleast hold back the constant attack on their waters.. and it can also serve as a great way to make contact with other kingdoms in different continents.. not just falmart."

"Oh and another thing mister president, russia has been pulling back its forces from ukraine but still leaving some to occupy the country, they're planning on invading the special region for its abundance of resources that could possibly benefit them from winning the war in ukraine..."

"We cannot just send our forces, its gonna be costly and striking russia's support fleet is clearly an act of war, we must wait for the right time." The president leaps out of his chair to look out of the window adjusting his necktie in the process, "but for now i have a busy meeting with the congress soon, so if you have anything more to say than i suggest you should say it right now.."

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