part 23: Dragon tamers

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The 15 foot tall gates of the empire stood infront of yao as she was in a standoff between the empire's guards and her. Ballista turrets were pointed at her, archers ready to fire once she takes a step closer.

"Who are you?" The officer in charge of guarding the main gate spoken out loud.

"I am here because the green men themselves has sent me.. i request permission to enter the kingdom.." yao replied to the officer.

"A dark elf working with the green men? You have not earned the right to step in if you don't provide such evidence.." the officer yelled back at the elf.

"Then how come i know the name of alex finzel?" Yao said.

The name sounded familiar for the officer and he remembered it was the marine who was the personal bodyguard of piña, but that's impossible on how an outsider especially a dark elf knows about him if they live in the mountains far away from civilization. Yao was replied with silence which caused her to start yelling more.

"I want to speak with him! Please let me in i promise i do not mean harm! I am just a messenger!" Yao yelled at the officer.

The commanding officer had a choice between letting the elf get inside the empire and maybe start a sudden attack or maybe she's telling the truth. The 2nd thought was weighted greater than the other and with a tough choice he opened the gates letting the elf inside. But they kept a close eye on her since she could be a spy trying to get in.

And as usual the marines were already a step ahead, they spotted yao coming towards the kingdom's gates before the guards could see her thanks to scouts hidden around the pathway leading to the entrance. They already informed the commander of her approach but they weren't quite sure what was her intentions on visiting.

"Go to the green men and tell them about her arrival.." the officer said to a young guardsman.

The man rushed to go to the Headquarters of the green men by horseback, meanwhile. Yao was strolling around on her horse looking around to see no signs of the green men. She asked some locals and they pointed out where the hospital was and they said there were alot of green men occupying that area.

But the man the officer sent was already getting close to the Headquarters and some sharp turns and evading passing by crowds he reached the building. He jumped out of the horse he was riding and walked to the entrance. But he was stopped by a guard on the door.

"Ey.. why are you trying to get in?" The marine questioned the guard.

"Its an important message green soldier, my commander has given me the orders to send to your commanding officer i need to get in.." the man said.

"Okay..." The marine pulled out his radio and talked to the other marine on the radio, "This is 6-7 we got a.. uhh.. a messenger, he likes to request to meet the commander. Is permission granted?"

The other end then replied, "Copy that 6-7 standby.." it then took a couple of seconds before his radio spoke again, "6-7 he's clear to enter.."

"Alright." The marine turned to the man, "just don't cause any problems in there.." he opened the door which the man immediately entered.

Meanwhile yao was getting close to the hospital following the path the locals told her to go. She was stopped by thugs but her situation was more important than dealing with them so like a normal person would do while in a hurry, she ignored them.

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