part 24: First encounter

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Early in the morning..

"Allriiiight boys.. time for training.." alex walks in the barracks camp of the elves.

Everyone bolted out of their beds because they never were dared to be waken up especially at 8 in the morning where its too early.

"Are we being attacked?!" Kio asked with a bow on his hand.

Alex shook his head, "no.. i am teaching you all how to use this thing right here, the M4 carbine." Raising up the rifle so everyone in the tent could see.

"Early in the morning? Are you crazy?" A female elf said.

"No complaining, your leader has given me permission that i am the leader of this group so you need to obey my order, i know theres only 50 of you but it will suffice since we got rory and a mage on our side. But it doesn't mean you are not vulnerable you need to defend yourselves especially against that dragon."

"Lets give him a chance boys.." kio said walking towards alex, "but dont go hard on me.. or else ill show you how to really fight." He said close to alex's face.

Kio then walked out of the tent follow his boys to go to the training field. Alex was left behind and sighed, "kids.." he whispered.

In an open area at the distance was 3 boulders that was placed with the help of the locals. Alex checked his watch before the humvee made its way on the field, and the driver was lelei who took several driving lessons by the marines back in alnus.

"Heyy.. you're getting use to it.." tuka complemented her.

"For such a complex thing to make its so simple to use." Lelei said exiting out of the vehicle.

"What is that.." kio whispered to his boys.

"No idea kio, some kind of strange metal carriage.." one of them said.

"Don't they use horses to move carriages? How is it moving by itself?" Another one spoke.

Meanwhile alex went to the hood of the humvee and placed a thin white cloth and layed out the SMAWs on it along with the M4's and M249's. Picking up one of the SMAW rocket launcher, due to the small space on the humvee they barely have enough ammunition for the MK's so he needed to use it wisely.

"Okay everyone listen closely." Alex walks infront of the group, "this is an MK-153 shoulder launched rocket launcher, now its different than this thing the M4 you can see its quite as big.."

"How will that thing be useful against the dragons or the dragon warriors?" One of the elves on kio's group asked.

"ill show you, ill only explain only a bit because what i want you all to do is to know how to properly and safely use this thing." Alex then noticed a crowd behind him he ordered one of kio's boys to stay away from alex's back.

They all took for cover since they weren't so sure what the big metal pole does but after knowing what the M4 can do they think this thing is maybe a bigger version of the M4.

Alex took a crouching position making sure the launcher was loaded, he took aim to see if he was aiming at the boulder and he couldn't risk missing it since it would be a waste of ammo.

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