Part 1: Collide

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Not that i have imagined such horrific and terrifying creatures that roam this land, but. These.. things.. whatever they are. I dont know where they came from, they just appeared after some strange phenomenon that happened to our lands. Metal creatures, metal weapons, everything, everything is metal for them. I have never seen such things and yet it gives me a sense of dread and horror, machines capable of mass destruction, just who are they? Are they human?? And i thought we are superior because of magic.. i thought we are the most powerful and intelligent people in this world but yet we've been challenged by a foe unlike any other, a foe never to be underestimated, but the people grew blind.. they were so shrouded and possessed by power that they were so confident of taking them down.. but they were wrong.. their empire's flag waves on top of their flags as they burnt on the patches of charred earth, their weapons are so strong they can eradicate everyone with a blink of an eye.. they're gods, they're divine beings, they're demons, they're angels, names my people have given to this iron army.. Red, Blue, and White.. their flag has stars, and red and white stripes, i wonder what it means.. perhaps.. theres more to this empire than what meets the eye..

.....A flag, Red white and blue, stars, and stripes waves on an iron ship, it stood not alone as it was accompanied by several other iron ships and a massive one, also covered in iron. People walked around the flat area of the ship, it's big, big enough to host a gladiator battle.. The iron canon located on the front of the iron vessel pumped out smoke as it stood infront of a unknown fleet one of the ships was burning down as it sunk, the others stood idle. The two fleets one made of iron, the other is a mixture of wood and steel, stood idle awaiting on who will take the first move on this naval battle...

MARCH 17, 2023
The white house...
Oval office...

"Mister president.." an agent said while she walked towards the president, more agents were walking around the office in a panic holding folders or paperwork. The agent added "Nasa has confirmed.. its colliding with earth"

The president, Jackson heithcliff, gave a worried expression before replying "Well that just makes things worse.. *sigh* any reports about the public?"

The agent took a moment to reply "The panic is increasing as we speak.. riots are happening on every street in every capital, texas having the most riots. All Law enforcement officers have been dispatched from all stations to handle it but it didnt seem to calm the public down.."

The president was building up stress every second as time passes by. He then gave orders to the agent "I want you to handle this ASAP, meanwhile i. Will have an important phone call to make and i want everyone out of this room to get out immediately.."

As soon everyone got out of the office, jackson then picked up the telephone and dialed a number on it. Couple of seconds later someone picked up the phone "mister president..."

"Evan... Give me the reports on your team's findings.." The president said in a panicking tone. "Everyone here in nasa is working their asses off.. but we cannot find a solution to figure this problem but we will work on it as fast as possible"

"I want you to double time on it the people are desperate for survival for christ sake, if you find a way to evade this planet then do it right now!" The president then slammed the phone before evan could reply.

He then rubbed his face out of anger, he then leaned back against his chair. Desperate for survival he then got out of the office and headed somewhere out of the white house.


The people in the country was in awe as the rogue planet appeared and the clouds moved away from the blue skies. The planet blocked the sunlight filling almost all of the areas on the country with complete and utter darkness from miles and miles to away.

Collide: Two Realities Become One Where stories live. Discover now