28 | Hinata's Place

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"Do I look good enough?" Komaeda asked.

"You always look amazing," Hinata told him. They were ready to go on their date. "Now, take my hands,"

They grabbed each other's hands. Hinata looked into Komaeda's eyes. "You once told me that Gods get their place designed after the first depiction a human makes of them," He told Komaeda.

"Are you saying... You have your place now?"

Hinata nodded. "I don't know what it looks like yet, but... yeah. I've got my place,"

He teleported them to his place in Kamigami no ie.

Komaeda opened his eyes and gasped. "Huh?" He looked around. They were standing in front of Hinata's childhood home.



"I... don't get it,"

The brunet smiled. "I do. When we were kids, Izuru made a drawing of our family standing in front of our house. That was the first time a human ever drew me. That drawing is hanging on the fridge to this day," He told Komaeda.

"Oh, how sweet! Let's take a look!" Komaeda grabbed Hinata's hand and they opened the door. The brunet lead him to the kitchen where his mother was baking. In the garden, his father was mowing the lawn.

"Let's go upstairs. That's where Izuru and my playroom was,"

The two men walked up the stairs and heard two children talking.

"Pew pew! I'm the infamous cowboy Hajime the kid and I'm gonna get ya!"

Komaeda chuckled as they opened the door. "You were such a cute kid, Hajime,"

"You will not get me, Hajime!" Kamukura said. "I am the famous sheriff Izuru and I'm scared of nothing!"

Hinata fired a nerf gun at him. "You have to fall over, I shot you!" He yelled.

"No, I'm wearing a bulletproof vest!"

"No, you're not! You're wearing a hotwheels T-shirt!"

"A bulletproof hotwheels T-shirt!"

"Fine!" Hinata huffed. He swung a lasso and threw it around his brother. "Got you!"

Kamukura shook his head. "No, I flew away 'cause I have wings secretly,"

"No, you don't!" Hinata yelled. "You're a sheriff!"

"I wanted to be an eagle! You forced me to be a sheriff!"

"Eagles don't wear bulletproof hothweels shirts!" He said, beginning to cry out of anger as he ran out of the room and slammed the door. "Mom!" He shouted, running downstairs as the adult Hajime and Komaeda followed him.

"Mom!" He shouted again.

"Hajime? What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"I-Izuru plays unfair, he says he has wings and- and is bulletproof, but he's a sheriff!" He cried.

"Oh no..." She pat his head.

"I-I wanted to play the eagle, not the sheriff!" Kamukura yelled, also crying as he ran after his brother. "Mother, tell him eagles can fly!"

"Young man, I told you to call me mom," she said. "And yes, eagles can fly, but they are not bulletproof. Can't you meet halfway and say that Izuru's an eagle that can fly but can still get attacked by Hajime the- what was it?"

"Hajime the kid, mom!"

"Right. My favorite little cowboy,"

"I'm a big cowboy! A cowman!" He grinned and flexed his nonexistent, 5-year-old bicep.

She chuckled. "You're a little cutie pie,"

"What?? No!" He whined. "I'm a big, strong cowboy!"

Mr. Hinata entered the house.

"Dad, tell her I'm a big, strong cowboy!" Hinata demanded.

"You're a little cutie pie,"

Hinata crossed his arms, embarassed. "One day I'll be a big, strong cowboy! And I'm gonna save everyone!"

"Cowboys are lawless and cruel, Hajime," Kamukura said.

"That's it!" The little boy stated. "I've had enough of you teasing me!" He jumped at his brother. "The only one I'll be cruel to is you!"

Mr. Hinata grabbed Kamukura by the back of his shirt and picked him up like a wet kitten. "Enough. Who wants cake?"

"Me!!" Hinata grinned brightly.

Komaeda leaned against his boyfriend. "What a sweet family..." He whispered and kissed Hinata's cheek. "You're the biggest, strongest cowboy I know,"

"C'mon, stop that. I was five years old back then," He laughed.

♡ Protecting You | Hinakoma/Komahina ♡Where stories live. Discover now