And thats a wrap🎬

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Malachi PoV:
I was in my trailer packing up all my things to get going, I was so excited to go home and see all my friends again but most of all, I was so excited and nervous to sort things out with y/n. I really hope we can become friends again or more but I'm nervous that she's already moved on and doesn't like me anymore... I thought as I got interrupted by a knock on my trailer door
"Come in" I said loud enough for the person outside to hear me, it was aria
"Hey Mali ." She said with a smile shutting the door behind her
"Oh hey aria what's up?" I asked facing her
"Nothing much, just a bit upset this is the last time I'm gonna see you until the premiere" she said walking close after every word
"Yeah same, I'm a bit upset I won't see everyone until the premier, but that's the way these things go."I say trying to lighten up the mood, she looks up at me, now she was really close to me
"You know Malachi , I'm gonna miss you the most, I'm gonna miss your smile, your laugh, your voice, just you in general." She said looking up and me
"Yeah I'm gonna miss you too aria." I say looking down at her, she steps closer to me with inches inbetween us. She grabs one of my hands and her other hand laid on my chest as she leans in to kiss me, I just froze... our lips touched and I didn't know what to do so I just stood there, I couldn't move, even if I tried. I finally get control of my body and took a step back, she looked at me with a smile
"I really like you Malachi , like really really like you." She said still ahold of my hands. I get my hands out of her grip
"I'm sorry aria, I can't." I looked away scared she would start being upset and cry and then I would feel guilty, but she didn't... she looked at me with forgiving eyes
"Oh I'm sorry."
"No it's okay really, I mean we all like someone we can't have." I say looking down. She hugs me
"I hope this doesn't make it awkward between us, and I hope you and the girl you like work out." She says still not letting go, I hug her back.
"Thank you aria."

Aria left my trailer and I just sat down, I looked at my suitcase and saw a picture of me and y/n, her smiling while I was kissing her cheek. God I miss her so much, at that moment, then and there, I was so committed to making me and y/n work, and if she only wants to be friends, I've just got to live with that. I love her so much I just want her to be happy.

Ariana PoV:
It was the day before Malachi was coming back, we told him that we would leave this house and clean up any mess we made so he could relax and be alone after filming and everything he went through with  y/n. He didn't mind our company but we insisted as we knew what would be best for him.

I FaceTimes Malachi as I was in my room packing up my things
"Hey buddy what's up!" I say
"Hey ari, nothing much just you know packing my bag, I'm so excited to come back and hopefully I can sort things out with y/n."
"Yeah, I really hope you guys sort everything out, I mean I miss you two and I miss the whole friend group hangouts, not everyone except you and y/n."
"Yeah well once we've sorted things out I'll make sure you all come round again, hey umm how is everyone?" I ask
"Everyone's good, Ivy and Lucas like eachother I'm pretty sure, Ezra is his same old emo depressed self, Evelyn is doing good, her cousins flew in to visit 3 days ago so she's been gone, how about you, how are you?"
"Uh yeah I'm good, umm what about y/n? How's she?" She was silent for a bit
"Uhh well she's doing good, she's still staying w Mateo and his family."
"Yeah I know, they've gotten really close recently."
"Um well do you know when she's gonna go back to her house?"
"Uh I don't know, I don't even think she's going back anytime soon, her mums on a business trip and her little sisters been staying at her aunties."
"Ugh okay well I gotta go, I'll talk to you in a bit."

I can't believe it, why is she still staying with Mateo, for all I know they're probably on his bed making out. How could she move on so quick.

Hey y'all! It has been a hot minute but I'm back!!!
I hope you enjoy my new chapters and I will be coming out with more very soon!
Thank you so much to everyone who has been so supportive of my work and please follow me🙏
Anyways like I said hope you enjoyed the new chapters and can't wait for you guys to read more because TRUST ME it's get VERY and I mean VERY JUICY 💗💗

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