What are we?

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I got up and saw that Malachi wasn't next to me, I went on my phone to check my socials and I had blew up from my past instagrams posts with Malachi and Ariana. I guess that's what happens when my best friends are actors, I couldn't help but think about the kiss. I wanted to know if we would ever be more than friends, I wanted to know if HE wanted to be more than friends. I then started overthinking, Malachi is an actor and a lot of girls like him or think he's really cute, what if he leaves me for someone else, someone in his league...

Malachi then walked out the bathroom
"Goodmorning mal." I said
"New nickname huh?" He said
"Mhm maybe." I said smiling
Malachi next to me on the left side of the bed, I though that this was the perfect opportunity to ask him, I turned to face him
"Yeah." He said turning to face me
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure anything."
There was a moment of silence...
"Umm.. I've been thinking about this for a while now , uh but umm-
Then I got cut off, just great. Camilla came into our room
"We're going to the mall, you guys coming?" She asked
"Umm yeah why not." I said looking at Malachi and then back at her.
"Okay great be downstairs in half an hour, oh um Malachi can I speak to you real quick."
"Yeah sure, sorry y/n maybe you can ask me that thing in a bit." He said and ran off to her.
Once he was gone I just sat there, there's no way I'm gonna have the courage to ask him again without him being distracted.

I went into Malachis bathroom to get ready, once I was done I headed downstairs.

"Okay in ready, should we go now?" I asked "Yes let's go!" Ariana said

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"Okay in ready, should we go now?" I asked
"Yes let's go!" Ariana said

Me Malachi, Camilla ivy and Mateo got in the car while the others got in the other car.

*skip to the mall*

"Come mal, I wanna go look for some summer clothes." I said
"Umm actually me and Camilla gotta go somewhere, I'll meet with you in an hour okay." With that he walked off with Camilla.
"Oh okay..." I said, why do they keep on hanging out without me, I couldn't help but think that he liked her more than me.
"Y/n come let's go look at some sunglasses!" Ariana said trying to cheer me up. We all went looking around in different shops.

After shopping for an hour I got rlly hungry
"Can we eat smth?" I asked
"You read my mind." Ezra said
We went to chick fil a and all sat down,
"Hey where do you think Malachi and Camilla are?" I asked
"Ahh someone's jealous." Lucas said tryna joke around
"Shut up Lucas, they've been gone for ages now."
"It's okay y/n, I'm sure they're not doing anything you don't want them to, Malachi seems to really like you." Ariana said, her saying that made me feel much better.
"Yeah you're right." I said, I turned my head and saw Malachi and Camilla walk in to chick fil a
"Ah talking about the devil." Lucas said

Malachi walked over to me and sat down next to me, he put his arm around me and I leaned on him, we started watching tik toks on my phone while everyone finished up eating their food. Once they were done we all went back to Malachis house, me and Malachi went upstairs to his room and just chilled on his bed for a bit. My eyes started getting tired and the next thing I knew, I was asleep.

I woke up and saw that Malachi wasn't next to me, I went downstairs to see everyone was outside in his garden sitting around a fire, it looked so beautiful since it was starting to get darker. I walked over to Malachi and sat down with my legs on top of him facing him
"Look who's finally awake." Malachi said while putting his arm around me.
"There's a fun fair tomorrow, should we go?" Ivy asked
"Omg yes I can wear my new clothes I bought today."

We were all outside for another hour just talking,
"Hey I'm getting a bit tired, I think I might go bed now." Evelyn said
"Yeah same." Lucas said
"Took the words right out of my mouth." Ivy said.
By the time everyone left, me and Malachi were by ourselves, Malachi turned to me
"What did you want to ask me earlier in the morning?" He asked
"Oh umm..." I didn't know what to do, but I clocked that this was the perfect time to ask him since no one would distract us. I turned to him so I was facing him
"I was just curious... what are we?"
"What do you mean?" He asked
"I mean I feel like that since we've kissed, we should put a label on it..."There was a moment of silence, uh I knew it was a bad idea to ask him
"You're right." He said
"I am?" I asked
"Yes, you are, that is why..." he pulled something out his pocket
"I am asking you, y/n will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and pulled out a beautiful infinity gold necklace.

"Omg Malachi yes I would love to but you didn't have to buy me this

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"Omg Malachi yes I would love to but you didn't have to buy me this." I said taking it out his hands taking a closer look at the infinity
"Yeah well I wanted to, you're the only girls who makes me feel like this." He said, taking it out my hands, I turned around so my back was faced away from him, I moved my hair and he put it on me.
"When did you get the time to get this necklace?" I asked
"I got it today with Camilla, she helped me look for one." Him saying that made me so relieved, all this time I thought he liked her but turns out she was just helping him find a necklace for me.
"Oh so that's why you left me and the others, thank you Malachi, no words can explain how thankful I am for you."
"Don't stress about it y/n, you deserve everything." He said, he leaned in and so did I, the next thing I knew we started kissing.
"Come let's go bed, I'm tired." I said, I got up and grabbed his hand, we walked upstairs to his room and went to bed.

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