Meeting his friends

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Once the movie was done we went downstairs to cook some food.
"So what should we make?" He asked
"Hmm what abt ramen?"
"Yes good choice."
He got 2 packs of ramen and boiled some eggs, he then set up his phone and went live on insta.
"Hey y'all, it's me and y/n and we're making some ramen." He set his phone down and started putting the ramen in the pot. I just watched him.
I walked to the phone and just read the comments.
The comments were blowing up

'Who's that girl'
'Malachi has a girlfriend?'
'Omg she's so pretty!'
'I wish I was her'

Malachi also saw all the comments and just smiled, he put his arm around my neck and my hands holding his arm.
Once the ramen was done we ended the live and ate our food.
"Hey should we invite some people over?" Malachi asked
"Yeah sure I don't mind."
"Okay lemme invite my friends."
"Okay, can I invite ev?" I asked
"Yeah sure go ahead."

                                             Ev 🎀

                           Hey ev, wanna come round Malachis?


       Okay! I'll send you the address, be here in half an              hour


Me and Malachi went back upstairs to his room and laid down scrolling in tik tok waiting for his friends and ev.
*time skips 30 mins*
We heard a doorbell and Malachi went to go get it, he came back upstairs with THE Ariana greenblatt and 2 of his other friends.
"Y/n meet Ariana, Lucas and Ezra."
"Hey" I said with a smile
"Omg Malachi, you never told me you had a girlfriend." Ariana said with a smile and sat next to me
"She's not my girlfriend." Malachi said while rubbing his back neck.
"So what should we do?" Lucas asked
"Hmm should we go to Walmart?" I suggested
"Yess I'm so down!" Ariana said
"Okay well my friend Evelyn should be here in about 5 minutes so we can leave when she's here."
They all agreed so we all just sat around in Malachis room on our phones just chilling until the doorbell rings.
"Oh that's her, let's go."
We all get up and run downstairs, I open the door.
"Hey ev." I say with a smile and hug her
"Hey, omg I can't believe I'm here." She said
"Well we're going to Walmart now so wanna come?"
"Yesss of course."
We all walk to Walmart as it's only a 10 minute walk.
As we were walking Malachi walks next to me, he was so close I could feel his hand brushing against mine, he then grabbed my hand and interlocked his with mine. I couldn't help but smile and get butterflies.

Once we arrived at Walmart we started looking around for anything we wanted to buy, Lucas and Ezra started riding the bikes and me Ariana and ev couldn't help but laugh, some girls came up to us
"Omg Malachi can I take a picture with you"
"Umm yeah sure."
"Omg yay, can you take the picture?" They asked me
"Umm yeah sure why not."
I take their phone and start taking pictures of them, once they were done they were still talking to Malachi. He saw that I felt kind of uncomfortable just standing there waiting for their conversation to finish so he grabbed my had and interlocked it with his, once they were done with their conversation Malachi asked me
"You okay?"
"Yeah just got awkward."
He rubbed my hand with his thumb as we were walking through the isles. We took some pictures and left Walmart. We started making our way back to Malachis house.
"Are you okay y/n, you're very quiet." Malachi asked me
"Yeah I'm okay, I just can't believe I'm here holding hands with the Malachi Barton and hanging out with Ariana greenblatt." I say with a smile
"We'll get used to it, you're gonna be hanging out with us almost everyday."
"Can't wait." I said with a big smile

We all get to Malachis house and sit down on his bed,
"Omg can we go live?" Ariana asks
"Yeah we can go live on my account." Malachi responds
Malachi sits down on his desks and gets another chair for me right next to him, he places his phone down on the desk and goes live on instagram.
"Hey guys what's up." He says
"Hey everyone!" Ariana says behind us
So many people joined, I didn't want to show my face that much because it still felt awkward but did pop up every know and then. The comments blew up

'Omg Ariana is so pretty'
'I wish I was there'
'They would be so fun to hangout with'
'Wait whose the girl next to malachi'
'She's so pretty'
'Omg wasn't she live with Malachi earlier'

"Guys ask some questions!" Lucas said

'Malachi do you like that girl you were on live with earlier?'
I started smiling from that comment and pointed to it, Malachi started also smiling and looked at me, he just grabbed my hand from under the table.
"Y/n can you pass me some twisters."
"Yeah sure." I grab them and give him the pack of twisters, but as I was giving it to him I accidentally showed my face.

'Omg she's so pretty'
'I wish I was her.'

Ariana could tell I didn't know what to do so she took Malachis phone and ran downstairs to the kitchen, we all ran down with her and started making cookies on live which made me feel more comfortable being on live.
Me Ariana and ev were making the cookie batter while Lucas Ezra and Malachi were just talking on live answering questions.

'Malachi do you have a girl yet?'

"Umm maybe." He said with a grin looking at his friends then looking at me, I just looked back and smiled. After 5 minutes we were done and put the cookies in the oven, me ev and Ariana went over to the others to talk on live, I walked to Malachi and he put his arms around my neck again and I held his arms. Because he was taller than me, he just leaned on my back shoulders.
"Oh let's review some uk snacks!" Malachi requested as he got sent some from a company.
"Yess where are they?" Ezra asked
"They're in the lower cabinet."
Ezra got them and we all sat on the island rating them, the camera was now infront of me.
"Okay let's try some walkers crisps, they're in 2 flavours, cheese and onion and prawn cocktail."
I tried the cheese and onion one first
"Stop that's honestly not that bad, I feel like if I eat a lot I would get kinda sick tho but these are a vibe."
I then tried the prawn cocktail
"Oh these have a really strong flavour, Malachi try some." I got a piece out for him and fed it to him.
"Oh those are strong but they're not bad."
I looked at the comments

'Omg they're so cute!'
'I wanna feed Malachi!'
'Awh the way he looks at her'

"Can we watch Spider-Man no way home?" Evelyn asked
"Omg yeah let's watch it." I agreed
"Okay let's end the live then." Ariana said
"Okay we're gonna go now guys" I said
Malachi took the phone from me and angled it high so they could see us both,
"Bye guys we'll go live tomorrow Probabaly."

We ended the live and all went to Malachis sitting room, me and Malachi shared the sofa, ev and Ariana sat on the floor sharing a blanket and Ezra and Lucas laid down on the floor with pillows.
Malachi and I shared a blanket and he had his arm around me while I laid my head on his shoulder.

By the time we were finished with the movie it was about 8pm.
"Malachi can we sleep round, I honestly can't be asked." Lucas asked
"Yeah sure my parents won't mind, you 4 can take the 2 guest bedroom and y/n can sleep in my room."
"Wait but what about all of my stuff?" I asked
"I can take you home to get them." Malachi suggested
With that we left and got all my things from my house. Ariana and ev went with Lucas and Ezra to get their things too.

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