Hard to carry on

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I don't know what to do... I keep on seeing posts of Malachi and some girl called aria, they seem really close. I'm still in contact with Camilla and we always FaceTime eachother at least once a week, she updates me on some stuff with her and her co star Brady Noon. Turns out she really likes him but she doesn't know if he likes her back, but I don't know why she would think that. Camilla is literally one of the most sweetest kindest and prettiest girl I know and any boy would be lucky to have her, our calls last hours but whenever I try to end the call we always stay on call for another hour or so... I honestly feel bad I'm keeping her up because she has to be up early every day, she always says it's fine though.
I still talk to Evelyn Ariana and Ivy, I decide to catch up with them and make a group chat


Hey Guyss! I'm so sorry I haven't been in contact with you guys in ages but it's just been so tough these past weeks but I'm doing better!

Yaya that's great to hear!

So proud of you girl😚😚

I've missed you sm when you coming back?

Uhh idk tbh, it's still awkward with me and Malachi but I still talk to Camilla, I feel bad, she said he's been a bit quiet recently

Dw y/n, I'm sure when he gets back you guys can talk or smth

Yeah i guess you're right

Anyways I've got to go but I'll talk to you guys in a bit 💗💗



Cya girl

I decide to scroll on tik tok because I was sooooo bored and Mateo was out helping his mum with something. I'm a few minutes in on watching tik toks when a tik tok of Malachi and a girl called Aria, the same girl from his instagram story which I'm presuming is his co star pops up on my fyp, I couldn't help but stare... she was so pretty and they both looked so happy. Of course me being an emotional reck I started crying, I ran into the bathroom just in case someone came into my room. I sat on the floor for a good 20 minutes before hearing the front door open, I heard Mateo and his mum and I quickly washed my face trying to make it look less puffier and went back into my room flopping on my bed. A few minutes later Mateo came into my room
"Hey y/n, you alright?" He asked as he walked in and sat down on my bed next to me
"Yeah I'm alright, what's up?"
"Uh me and my mum were wondering if you wanted to go have a bonfire at the beach, it's a family tradition to do it every year and we chose today."
"Awe I would love to come, what time are we leaving?"
"Uhh I'm about 1 hour, wear your swimsuit aswell we're going in the ocean."
"Okayy." I said as he left.

I went into my bathroom and freshened up, I wore my bikini under my denim shorts and cropped tank top, I brought some sweatpants and a hoodie with me because it gets cold in the night.

*time skips to the beach*

I was lying down on the sand talking to Mateos parents while he was with his little brother in the ocean, they soon come to us and dry off
"How was your little swim."
"It was good, it was so cold though." Mateo says
"You could've came in." He added, I didn't want to go in because it got late pretty quickly and I wasn't in the mood."
"Nah I'm fine on the dry land." I say with a giggle.

"He um it's getting late now, we should get going." Mateos mum said
"Yeah you're right." His dad says
We start packing up, Mateos mum grabs the blankets and his dad grabs the bags, what's left is my bag and his towel
"Mum dad, meet us in the car, we'll bring the rest."
"Okay hurry up though it's getting cold." His mum says. I sat down on the sand packing my things and Mateo sat down next to me,
"Y/n" he says looking at me
"Yeah." I said looking at him
"I've been needing to tell you this but I never got the opportunity until now."
" go on" I say with a comforting smile
"Y/n, I like you, like really like you."
"Oh." I say looking down
"Oh as in good 'oh' or 'oh' as in bad oh?" He asks worried
"No, I mean it's not bad it's just, wrong timing, I don't know if I'm over Malachi yet and he's coming back soon so I really want to talk to him about everything." I say looking away and back at him
"Oh, well what if he doesn't want you back, then will you consider us?" He asks. I turn to him
"Look Mateo, you're a really good fiend, the best I could ask for but I don't want you to feel like a second option and I don't even know what's gonna happen between me and Malachi, when the time comes, I'll know." I say looking at him smiling softly
"I understand, I just wish I could find someone like you, someone whos not selfish in any way, a beautiful smile and eyes, someone who gets my humour or just me overall." I couldn't help but feel bad for him, I put my arm around him to comfort him and my neck on his shoulder
"Don't worry Mateo, you'll find someone and she'll be so lucky to have someone like you."
"Thanks y/n, really."

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