Beach day!!!

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I opened my eyes, feeling a pair of arms around my waist. I looked behind  and saw Malachi peacefully asleep, I turned around so I was now facing him. I started playing with his hair
"Malachi get up I need to go to the bathroom."
"No 5 more minutes." He mumbled.
"No I need to go now." I said trying to get out of his grip but he was stronger so I couldn't get out.
I decided to take some pictures because he looked so cute.
"Malachi come get up I'm hungry."
"Uhh okay." He finally got up letting me go, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, Malachi then walked in after me and started brushing his teeth. We walked downstairs where everyone was sitting around the island.
"Goodmorning guys." I said walking over to open the fridge
"Look who's finally up." Ariana said
"So we were planning to go to the beach after we eat, you down?" Ev asked
"Yes I'm down." Malachi said
"I would say yes but I don't have any swimwear." I said disappointed
"Oh don't worry you can wear one of mine." Ariana offered
"Really? Omg yes then I'm down." I said
"Okay let's leave in 2 hours then." Lucas said

Date we ate some food I went upstairs to shower in Malachis shower. As I was walking out I had the towel wrapped around me and Malachi was about to go in with the towel laid on his arms and shirtless.
He saw me standing there just staring at him, I couldn't help it. Well actually I could but I didn't want to stop looking😝.
"The showers free now." I say trying to get rid of the silence in the room, you could hear a pin drop from how quiet it was .
"Thanks." He said with a little chuckle.
He went in the bathroom. I just stood there trying to see if it was a dream or real. After I got out of my little fantasy dream state, I got dressed.

By the time I was done changing Malachi had finished showering to I grabbed my makeup bag and went into the bathroom to do my makeup while Malachi was doing his skincare

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By the time I was done changing Malachi had finished showering to I grabbed my makeup bag and went into the bathroom to do my makeup while Malachi was doing his skincare.
"Yk y/n you really don't need makeup."He said with a smile
"Awh thank you Malachi, but I'm only putting on some light makeup." I said smiling back at him.

Once we were done we headed downstairs to where everyone was.
"Okay let's go." Malachi said
"Okay so who's going with who?" Ezra asked
"Umm y/n can come with me and everyone else can go with you." Malachi said
"Ahh I see what you're doing." Ezra said getting the wrong picture.
"Okay Ezra shut up." Malachi said putting him in a headlock as a joke.
"Can we hurry up! The sun isn't gonna last forever!" Ariana complained.
"Yep yep let's go." Ezra said.

Me and Malachi got in the car while everyone got in Ezra's car.
"You wanna play some songs?" Malachi asked
"Yess!" I replied
I played my playlist if white girl music and we were jamming out. The beach was only 30 minutes away so the car ride wasn't that long.

When we finally got to the beach we all found a good spot and luckily there was a volleyball net set up so we started playing.
"Okay let's pick teams." I said
"I pick y/n on mine." Malachi said and put his arm around my shoulder
"Of course you do." Lucas replied
"Okay I'll have ev and Lucas on mine then." Ariana said
"Okay let's play!" Ezra said

As we were playing, 2 girls and 1 boy walked up to us.
"Omg you're Malachi right?" One of the girls said
"Yeah that's right." Malachi responds
"Omg can I get a picture?" She asks
"Yeah of course." He said
The two girls stood next to him while the boy took the picture.
"Oh can we join your game?" The other girl asked
"Umm sure I don't see why not, what are your names?" Malachi asked
"I'm Camilla and this is ivy." The one who asked for the photo said.
"Hey I'm Mateo." The boy said
"Okay 2 of you can join our team and the other can join the other team." I said
"Mateo go to that team, me and ivy wanna be in this team." Camilla said
"Alright." Mateo responded.

We played for another 20 minutes but I wanted to go for a swim
"Malachi wanna go swim?"
"Yeah let's go!" With that he lifted me up bridal style and jogged to the ocean
"Omg Malachi put me down stop." I couldn't stop laughing. He finally dropped me in the water throwing himself aswell, I lifted my head up from the water and grabbed into him.
"Omg I'm so gonna get you for that."
"Oh yeah and what are you gonna do?" I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach when he said that but to make things even worse he put his hands around my waist and put my legs around his waist making me literally fold. I think I blushed so much you could see it a mile away, I just looked away.
He grabbed my chin so I faced him and leaned in, I didn't know if I was dreaming but I didn't want it to end, the next thing I knew out lips touched and we had just kissed. The kiss lasted about 5 seconds and I pulled away. I just looked at him
"Oh I'm sorry y/n-
I cut him off by kissing him again but this time it lasted longer, I pulled away
"I really like you Malachi." I said with a smile
"I really like you too y/n."
We then got cut off
"HEY LOVE BIRDS, LETS GO GET SOME FOOD HURRY UP!" Lucas screamed, I started laughing and just looked at Malachi. We finally got about and dried ourself. I put my clothes back on and we went to go eat at some pizza place.
"Oh are Camilla ivy and Mateo coming aswell?" I asked
"Yeah I guess they're apart of the group now, they're really not that bad, we got to know them while you and Malachi were smooching." Ariana replied
"Oh okay." I said with a smile because the only thing that was on my mind was the fact that me and Malachi finally kissed.

We finally got to the pizza place, we only walked a 5 minute walk from the beach. We got sat at a really big booth as we had 9 people including me, I sat next to Malachi and ev, Camilla sat next to Malachi which I didn't rlly think anything of. As we were eating another group of girls came up to Malachi
"Omg Malachi can we please have a picture."
"Umm yeah sure." He said because he didn't want to be rude. I love Malachi but why does he have to be famous Ughh.

Once we were done we all went back to Malachis house. We all got back in the cars but Camilla ivy and Mateo came with us. I was so tired to I fell asleep leaving Malachi to talk to the others.
By the time I woke up we were only 2 minutes away so I just stayed awake, Malachi had been laughing with Camilla. Not gonna lie it had made me a bit jealous, if it was ev or Ariana I would've been fine but I don't know Camilla and she is so pretty.
I didn't want to say anything because it might've just been me overthinking. We were finally back home, I got out of the car and went inside,
"Okay I'm going to bed now, I'm so tired." I said
"Yep me too." Malachi said, I grabbed his hand and me walked upstairs together.

Evelyns PoV:
Awh they're so cute I thought to myself
"Don't do anything you're not supposed to do!" Lucas screamed. We all just laughed.
"So are they like a couple or something?" Camilla asked, come to think of it, they haven't even told us.
"Good question, I don't even know and y/n would tell me straight away so I don't think they are." I replied
"Yeah same." Ariana said.
"Oh okay." Camilla said
"Why are you asking?" I asked
"I don't know just curious." She replied
"Oh okay, well I think we should go to bed now." I said
"Good idea I'm so tried." Ezra said
"Yeah, one of you can sleep in the guest bedroom but it's smaller than ours and only a single bed and the other two and sleep on the sofa." Ariana said
"Oh okay, I think me and Camilla will sleep down here and Mateo you can sleep in the guest room." Ivy suggested
"Okay I'm fine with that." Mateo said.

Back to y/n PoV:
I took a shower trying to get all the salad out of my hair, this time I brought my pajamas in the bathroom with me, I washed my face and done my skincare. I walked out and saw Malachi ready to shower, he walked in after me and left me in his room by myself. I couldn't help but look around, I saw some Photo Booth pictures and saw pictures of him and Ariana which I thought were really cute considering the fact that they had been friends for the longest time. I decided to go to bed because I was so tired and Malachi wasn't done with his shower. I fell fast asleep.

Malachis PoV:
I finally finished my shower, as I walked out I saw y/n fast asleep. I started smiling, she's so cute when he's sleeping. I put my clothes in my washing basket and walked over to the bed, I took my shirt off because it's more comfier when I sleep shirtless. I got in bed and cuddled her, she started moving and I thought I had woken her but luckily I didn't, she was now ontop of me, her head on my chest. I wanted to stay in that position forever, whenever I was with her, I could be myself and not have to pretend to be anyone, she just brings out the better in me.

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