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I woke up and realised Malachi wasn't next to me, I look at my phone and see it's already 10am, I get out of bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen to see Malachi and Camilla in the kitchen talking.
"Hey guys what you doing?" I asked
"Oh nothing, we're about to go to the mall to pick up some stuff before we leave." Camilla said
"Oh can I come?" I asked
"Sorry y/n but me and Camilla need to go on a zoom call after so we only have 2 hours and no offence but you always take ages in the mall." Malachi said walking to me giving me a kiss on my temple.
"Oh no it's okay, I'll just hangout with you after." I said walking to the sitting room trying to find some new shows to watch on Netflix.

It had been an hour already so I went back upstairs to shower and get changed into fresh clothes. Malachi walked in after I got changed
"Hey how was the mall?" I asked
"It was good, i found some new hoodies." He said putting his shopping bags down in the corner of his room. He grabbed his laptop and sat on his desk
"You going on the zoom meeting now?" I asked
"Yeah turns out it was earlier than I expected."
"Oh okay, do you want me to leave?" I asked
"Uhh no it's okay just don't make a lot of noise." He said giving me a kiss
"Okay." I sat on the bed watching tik toks on a low volume. Malachi was having a meeting about his new movie, I looked at the screen and saw Timothèe chalamet... MY BOYFRIEND WAS MAKING A MOVIE WITH TIMOTHÈE CHALAMET!
I didnt want to make noise but omg I was so happy for him. He was finally done with his zoom call
"you're making a movie with Timothèe chalamet?!" I said
"Yeah, I guess I am, I didn't know until now." He said sitting next to me
"Omg I'm so happy for you."
"Aw thank you y/n." He said kissing my cheek.

I was lying on Malachis chest on my phone, my eyes started feeling heavy and the next thing I knew, I was asleep.

Malachi PoV:
I saw y/n was asleep so I slowly moved her off of me so I could go downstairs and get some food, Camilla was downstairs with Ivy sitting around the island.
"Hey guys what are you doing?" I asked
"Eh nothing, wanna go live?" Ivy asked
"Yeah sure." I got my phone out and went live on instagram.

"Hey guys what's up!" I said as more and more fans joined, Ivy was sat next to the camera only seeing half of her and me and Camilla were standing up in front of the camera. Camilla grabbed a pack of crisps and stared eating them, I grabbed some out of packet and she just looked at me, I couldn't help but laugh.
"Guys asks us some questions, we're bored." Ivy said

'Where y/n?'

"Oh yeah Malachi where is y/n?" Ivy asked me
"Oh she fell asleep." I said
"Oh okay, she's currently asleep right now." Ivy repeated.

'Is it true Malachi and Camilla are in a new movie together?'

"Malachi, Camilla wanna answer this one." Ivy asked and pointed out the question.
"Oh yea, we're gonna be in a really cool movie, can't really say much but it's so good and I can't wait to start filming." I said
"Yeah we're gonna start filming soon too." Camilla said. I started fake punching Camilla because it's so funny when I do it to y/n, she always gets mad. Camilla started fake punching me too and I couldn't stop laughing, I heard a noise and saw y/n had woken up, she was walking down to the kitchen
"Hey guys." She said
"Hey y/n, how was your nap." I said kissing her temple
"It was good, oh you're live, hey guys!" She said

Y/n PoV:
I woke up and saw Malachi wasn't by my side, I walked downstairs and saw Malachi Ivy and Camilla,
"Hey guys" I said
"Hey y/n how was your nap?" Malachi asked me kissing my temple
"It was good, oh you're live, hey guys!" I said hugging Malachis waist while his arm was around me. I looked at the comments and saw people shipping Camilla and Malachi, I got kinda jealous I can't lie but I didn't want to say anything. I walked over to Malachis cabinet and got out some snacks, I went and sat next to the phone on the other side of Ivy reading the comments.

'Why are Malachi and Camilla kinda cute together'
'Wait I kinda ship Malachi and Camilla'
'Camilla is so pretty'

I didn't know how to feel, people started shipping them and it made me really upset, I just pulled my phone out and ignored it, Camilla is really pretty and what if Malachi does actually like her? No no, Malachi wouldn't do that, and Camilla is really sweet she wouldn't.

*next day*

Malachi woke me up
"Goodmorning y/n, get up we're gonna watch the sun rise today." He said
"Okay I'm up." I love watching sun rises, I got change and met everyone downstairs, Malachi and Camilla were doing some tik tok dances, it was still pretty dark as it was still 4am and the sun rises at 5 so we had to hurry up and get in the car. I decided to sleep on the journey there as I was so tired.

When we arrived, Malachi gently tapped me on the shoulder,
"Y/n get up we're here." He said, I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them because they were blurry. I got up and it was still really cold so I brought the blanket in the car with me and wrapped myself with it, Malachi held my hand and kept me close to him. We found a really nice spot at the beach so we sat down and started talking, I had my head on Malachis shoulder, I started feeling really tired
"Do you wanna lay on my lap?" Malachi asked me, he could see how tired I was
"Yes please." I said laying my head on his lap closing my eyes, he adjusted the blanket so it covered me properly and played with my hair making it easier for me to fall asleep. When I woke up the sun had already started rising, I got up from Malachis lap and rested my head on his shoulder
"How was your nap?" He asked me
"It was good, I had a really nice dream."
"About what?" He asked
"About us, our future, we had 2 children, an older boy and a young girl, and he would look after her and take care of her like a little gentlemen, we lived in a beautiful home not too big but not to small, just the perfect comfort home, we lived with our parents looking after them and we had 2 beautiful dogs, a golden retriever and a little sausage dog that were the glue to the family." I said looking at him
"I love that, I can't wait for our future." He said kissing me
"I love you y/n." I didn't answer for a second, this was the first time a boy said I love you to me.
"I love you too Malachi." I said leaning in to kissing him. We looked back at the sunset and admired it. We were at the beach for another hour and wanted to go home soon
"Hey Mal come do this dance with me." Camilla said
"Okay!" He said and got up, I felt kinda jealous I can't lie. I'm the only one who calls him that, I didn't want to overthink so I just went over to the others.

Authors note:
Hey guys! This is probably one of my least favourite chapters, it didn't come out as how I wanted to turn out like but it's because my notes with all my ideas for each chapter got deleted so I'm now having to make new ones which is really time consuming but I will try post more chapters as soon as I can!!

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