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I flop down onto the living room, fully exhausted from this entire week. Work was busier than expected, it turns out there were a few more things I needed to catch up on which added almost an entire extra day of work to my schedule, but I still managed to finish all my work by no later than 1:30pm Friday. I also managed to check out online platforms for employee pays and even narrowed it down to two different ones that looked good. 

That very same day I went over to Tony's, and, well, we know what happened there. I keep trying to forget it, but my brain and body don't want to. I keep replaying my night with Tony over and over again in my head. Once we started kissing we didn't stop and we ended up sleeping together, both of us finishing in record time due to high tension. Afterwards we cuddled in Tony's bed, my head on his chest, his hands slowing stroking up and down my body as we talked and laughed for hours, before deciding to sleep together again. I managed to pull myself out of his bed at almost 1am - which is the latest I've been out in the longest time. I crawled into my own bed at 1:30 but I couldn't fall asleep until almost 3, filled with so much happiness and regret all at once.

And now today has been filled with nonstop romantic Jordan gestures. He made me my favourite breakfast, French toast with an iced coffee on the side. I ate my breakfast in front of a bouquet of pink and white peonies he got for me. Afterwards Jordan told me to go get dressed into something cute as he cleaned up the downstairs, telling me that we would go out and soon as I was ready.

We left the house early, starting our drive to our first destination a little past 9am. I was surprised to see that we were starting our day of celebration with a nice walk in the botanical gardens, which was paired with a picnic that Jordan packed for us. It was full of cheeses of different kinds, green crunchy grapes, the freshest bread ever and some fruit on the side. He even went as far as to bring me my favourite salted caramel chocolate and he didn't even try to steal any of it for once.

After our picnic we headed off to do some minigolf, which I didn't do too great at but to be fair I've never been the greatest golfer, mini or not. After getting my ass handed to me in mini gold Jordan treated me to a shopping spree in one of my favourite stores where I picked up a new perfume, some hand cream and the cutest yellow blanket for our couch downstairs.

We ended the day at my favourite restaurant where Jordan treated me to some great food and the most decadent chocolate cheesecake I've ever had. It was an amazing day, but now I'm absolutely wiped.

I zone out in front of the TV for an hour with my new yellow blanket before deciding it's probably best if I head off to bed. At this rate I'm worried I might pass out on the couch all night with the TV in front of me, so I hastily get up and start for the stairs but pause when I see that the lights in the backyard are on. Normally I would just think that I've forgotten to turn them off, but I distinctively remember them being off when we got home. I know I didn't turn them off and neither did Jordan, he went upstairs when we got in. Even weirder, they seem brighter than usual and they look slightly pink?

"Jor?" I yell into the house. I wait for a response, but none comes which mean he's probably fallen asleep already. In his defense he did plan this entire night for us, he must be tired.

I figure I must have forgotten to turn them off anyways, but still I make my way out to the backyard to check out why all the lights are on, but when I get outside I all forget about the lights because right now only one thing is grabbing my attention. 


He's down on one knee, a ring box in his hand. He grins at me as I step outside and just like that he's asking that one fateful question, the question which I played in my head over and over again numerous times.

"Ava Brooks, will you marry me?"

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