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Despite being against seeing Tony so much I find myself at his birthday party Saturday with almost his entire family. Earlier this week I was fully ready to not come and was trying to push it out of my mind, but after seeing his mom the other day and her telling me she would be "heartbroken" if I didn't come, I didn't really have a choice, did I? 

I got here early as requested and helped his mom set up which honestly just meant that I did the majority of the prep for the party. I blew up around 20 balloons that I then stuck to the walls inside, I put up two separate birthday banners, one indoors and the other outside. I set up the chairs and tables in the backyard, I even brought flowers to make centerpieces for the tables. I brought a cake from the bakery that I made special for today and brought some cupcakes, both chocolate and vanilla because I know Tony likes both.

The guests started arriving almost immediately after I was done. Most I knew already like Tony's siblings and a couple of aunts and uncles, but there were a lot more family members of Tony's I didn't know, like his cousin Cora and her children. Tony was surprisingly one of the first people to arrive, but we didn't get a chance to talk until about an hour later once everyone was in and had said hello to him.

"It looks great here." Tony said to me as he took a seat beside me, his eyes on the backyard's setup.

"Your mom made me do it all." I tell him, giving him a sideways look to show how unimpressed I am at his mom's antics.

Tony just laughs like I knew he would. "I bet she did one or two things."

"She made lemonade then called your sister for half an hour."

Now this makes Tony laugh even harder. "I love how she treats you like any other family member."

"Yeah, but I'm not." I say with a slight frown. I take a sip of the aforementioned lemonade to avoid saying anything else.

"She still thinks of you as one." he points out. "She never stopped."

I shake my head at the idea. "She has to stop."

"You know she won't." he says. "Can I try some?" he asks gesturing to my drink.

I hold it my drink possessively against my chest. "Uh, no you cannot. There's a giant pitcher inside of free lemonade, go get some there." I say gesturing towards his mom's house. 

"I want to see if I like it first." he says, his hand now reaching out to grab my cup that's still against me. I tighten my grip on it so he's not able to take it.

"It's lemonade, how have you never had lemonade before? No, wait, how have you never had your own mother's lemonade?" I ask, trying not to laugh. If I laugh, then I let my guard down and if my guard is down he can easily take my drink. 

"I have!"

"And do you like it?"

"Yeah, but-"

"There's your answer." I say with a laugh. I swat hat is hand with my free one, trying to get him to stop. His hand keeps trying to grab a hold my of drink and I briefly look away to see some of his family members looking at us. I flush a little then give Tony my drink "God, and you say your mom doesn't know when to quit."

He grins at me after taking a giant sip of my drink. "Where do you think I get it from?"

I shake my head at him, but there's still a smile on my face. At least there was one until I realize he has drank my entire drink.

"Tony!" I exclaim. "You said you wanted to just try it, I didn't think you'd drink the entire thing!"

He grins at me apologetically. "I'll go get you more."

"Oh, no." I say as I stand up with him. "You're going to forget and then I'll be here thirsty and alone. I'm coming with you and getting my own drink."

"You trust me that little?" he asks.

I don't even have to think. "Yep."

We make our way through the backyard, stopping to chit chat with some of his family for a couple of seconds. We're almost at the door before Tony's sister stops us to talk.

"I'm surprised to see you." she says to me. "I didn't think we'd ever see you here again."

I give a small shrug. "I tried to say no, but you know how your mom is."

This makes her laugh. Apparently Tony's mom is hard on all of us.

"I'm happy she convinced you." his sister says. "I always knew you two would get back together again." she says gesturing between Tony and I.

I don't know which one of us turns redder between Tony and I, but it's probably me.

"We're not together." I say. "Um, just... friends?"

Now its sisters turn to blush. "I'm sorry I just assumed..." she says, trailing off. She looks around to try and see if there's an easy escape around us but comes up short of any excuse.  "This is awkward," she finally says. "I'm gonna go."

Tony and I try to laugh the situation off as we get into the kitchen, but both of us are still feeling the weirdness of being called a couple. I make sure to put a good amount of distance between us as we get our drinks.

The next hour is filled with games that are aimed at the children more than the adults. Of course, Tony joins in though. He plays pin the tail on the donkey, he plays Marco Polo, he even hits the pinata. He lets all the kids have a turn, then pumps them up for the candy before stepping up to the pinata with a baseball bat. One swing and it bursts open spilling candy everywhere. All the kids cheer as they get candy, and even Tony goes in for a lollipop or two. I have to admit its cute. He's always been great with kids despite not having any of his own.

After all the games are finished, we eat supper, Tony comes and eats beside me. He only does it so he can try and steal my cucumbers from me like he used to. I let him. As soon as he puts his plate down his mom calls him over for cake. She's already lit the candles for him to blow out.

"Make a wish!" Tony's mom says as he hovers over the lit candles on the cake. He takes a big breath in then his eyes lift up to meet mine as he blows the candles out.

I think I have a feeling of what he wished for.

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