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Let's recap

Last we left off Darius and friends were trying to figure out a plan and how to stop tiffany and Mitch From discovering the water hole.

Moving quickly through the tunnels Darius Is on foot using his powers he quickly zooms through each tunnel. Finding an exit he quickly claims out of it and is now back into the park. Alright Now all I gotta do is cut them off before they get there. The plan the group devised was Darius would act as a distraction cutting them off before they can get to the Other dinosaurs. While the group use whatever allowed means they could to drive the dinosaurs away from the watering hole. Brooklyn was worried about home going alone to face a trex but quickly remembered everything he has survived so far.

Ok just around this corner then all I've gotta do is stall them his nightvison cuts through the dark tunnel and he quickly climbs later number 45 and is back in the jungle road.


Babe how much further I'm tired of walk through this damn jungle mitch complained. The tracker says were almost there we just need to bag a couple and get back to our boat and leave this stupid kids behind us tif said irritated. Ok ok ok calm down were here. They walk out to a clearing they are amazed at how many dinosaurs are in one spot for them to take as trophies. Babe look this will be amazing mitch say as they were setting up a spot to take aim.


The rest of Campers met up with Kenji and Sammy. Alright they made it to the watering Whole So that means we only have a couple of minutes before they start their Killing spray. Yas says. So inch Darius has them stalled long enough will cause Big commotion with Bumpy and the Jeep. And forced the dinosaurs to run back into the Jungle Brooklyn said. The plan sounds simple enough and they were definitely determined But little do they know a certain Queen of the dinosaurs Was on her way to definitely Settle the score.

With Darius

Darius had been Running through the jungle as fast As he could. You never really got the chance to test how fast he could actually move in In the open back home so now that he could even he was impressed he had to be moving at least highway speed. Leaping over a fallen tree with extreme agility he continued his pursuit he was not too far off from the watering hole.

All he had to do was just stalled and log enough for the others to scare the dinosaurs Out of the area. After that he would figure out how to deal with Mitch and tiff.

And truth we told he really had no idea what to do with them. He knows that even with the gun they really couldn't do any real harm to him he's fast And strong enough to stop them from Trying to shoot and kill him , This actually made a wonder of bullets even have an effect on him considering everything else he survived not that he really wanted to find the answer to that.

But the main question still persisted what was he going to do with them, they were both obviously sociopaths but It's not like they could just leave them here that would be kind of cruel. But they couldn't pass up the boat either

And he definitely was not going to kill them he's not that type of person. I guess what just have to figure out that bridge when we get there until then we just focus on saving the dinosaurs. Finally breaking out into the clearing he then saw a mass of herd of Herbivores and a few carnivores. Knowing that he was at the right place he quickly scanned the area quietly looking for Mitch And tiffany.

Once he spotted themHe saw they were about to take aim at a triceratops that was completely unaware and just mowing on some grass. He took the liberty of knocking over a tree causing a loud noise spooking the Large creature it bolted away as mitchantiff took cover. Darius them left out in front of them. They looked surprised as they had no idea who this kid was or where he had come from and what kind of shocked to me were more was the fact that he had Is an orange eyes. Darius Snarled at them. Is growl Reverberating off the trees nearby. You know if there's one thing I hate more That marshmallows on their own it's freaking poachers He says with Venomous voice. This is good he's got them confused and a little scared always gotta do is just wait for his friends to scoop the rest of the dinosaurs into a stampede. That's when tiff finally gains her bearings and says you're with the other kids aren't you. Mitch then raises the rifle and points in that Darius and Shout back off kid you don't want the business under this thing. Darius just looks at him his expression a bit irritated. And the blink of an eye Various swipes his And his raptor like talent slicing right through the gun's barrel completely knocking it out of Mitch's hands. Tiffany then aims her rifle at him And fires A shot directly towards his head. Darius In a fraction of a second is already ducked out of the way the bullet flies completely over him and bedding itself in that same time Span he pivots moving fast he sweeps tiffany's legs from underhurt and knees Mitch and the gut. He grabs Mitch by the collar and raises him up And punches him breaking his nosending him flying baedwards at least 20 feet. But just at that moment Darius then feels a jolting pain in his right shoulder tiffany had gone back up and had shocked him with one of the tasers. He's knocked down to the ground as the electric current flows through his body for a brief second causing him to convulse a little. Well I definitely gotta feel that in the morning he thinks to himself. Just then he looks back up and sees that tiffany has not only the stun ride pointed at his head but also her rifle as well. Just as he's about to do something he then hears the ground start to rumble tiffany gets momentarily distracted and looks around noticing a large dust cloud coming off from the distance. She then hears what she thinks is Music. Darius then recognizes the music ,Dave's mixtape. But not only that a large herd of Dinosaurs start stampeding their way as the headlights of a Jeep and the Blueish green height of Bumpy are seen just behind them. Darius then quickly kicked Tiffany away Towards the fallen tree so that way She won't get trampled. He then gets up and leaps up into Standing tree to get out the way of The walking earthquake.

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