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Disclaimer own nothing of this franchise or anything jurrasic related !!!

Montana,  july 20 2000

A family of four is seen speeding down a  roadway,
There is a mother in her late 30s and and a father in his early 40s. In the back seat there is  a 2 month baby boy and a older boy who seems to be 12. "Mom why is dad driving so fast the young boy said with worrie in his eyes. "Dont worry brandon were gonna be ok just make sure your little brother is holding up" she says trying to ease her son before turning around to face her husband. "Frederick slow down were far from those mantacorp men by now you can relax your scaring the boys. She says sternly to her husband.
"I'm sorry it's just those were armed men and I cant relax not till were safe he say with his eyes constantly darting from the rearview to straight ahead. Why do you think they were in our house ?  Frederick
Then says "probably my research on Ingen's Mezo serum". He keeps his hands firm on the wheel as he makes it to a bend in the road.   He knew that manticorp was one of engines Shady rivals we're after the same work for many years just like just like byoson.

Frederick's thoughts
Luckily I was able to keep my research in my thumbdrive  we gotta get  far from here and call wu or missrani !
mantacorp been after this  science for years I dont even want to know how the plan to use it in the wrong hands mezo could be dangerous of course  they would go this far sending armed men to my hou-

He suddenly broken  from his thoughts as brandon taps his shoulder " dad who's that behind us"  yells out.

Looking in the rearview mirror hes sees that a black van with the mantacorp logo is tailing them fast.

Shit! Fred says under his breath as he hits the gas telling his family to strap in. He speeds down the road trying to lose them but to no avail.

Mrs Bowman looks to her youngest still in his car seat and tucks him in while they speed off. The black van  hower has different  agenda as an man in black tactical gear launches a drone out the window. It flies fast and  quickly catches to the Bowman's car  and unloads it bullets into the back wheel send the family of four off the road.

HOLD ON Fred yells as he struggles to keep the car stable but fails as they hit boulder and flip over as they enter in to a resident neighbor  the cries of ms bowman can be heard  as she is toss into the windshield breaking her neck with sound of Fredderick is impaled through the chest by a street sing as little Brandons head crashes into the roof with crunch as the sound metal and shattering glass as they skid to stop. The infant had survived little darius now lay in his carseat injured and crying for his parents who lay with his brother cold and still.

Mr Missrani office Isla nublar

And we have just made it to the scene of the crash to a family of four here on the I 89 .  There were three casualties the body's of  Ingen researcher Frederick Bowman his wife and 10 year old son
have been  identified. There 2 month old darius bowman is now going to ingen medical facilities and is in critical condition we have heard no further response.

The new turns mutes as mr Missrani current CEO of Ingen had been drinking a glass of expensive whiskey as it. He was  devastated to findd out that his most trusted partner and researcher on the mezo-serum and dinosaur dna was dead along with his family.

" How the hell did I not know this could happen I should've gave them a security detail this is all on me", he says regretfully  towards the article on the screen should've known mantacorp would try somthing, but dont worry Frederick I'm gonna make sure darrius is taken care of. He them pulls out a phone and calls dr henry wu. "Wu have you heard " he ask after the number is answered . "Yeah we have young darius now" wu say sounding stressed out of his mind. Its not every day you find out your best friend was assassinated alongside  of his family. "How is he" Missrani ask in a serious tone. "Hes stable for now, but he has massive internal damage and he's an infant I have  doubts that h- "Give him the mezo-serum"  Missrani says cutting him off.  Wu eyes widen shocked, before he says quietly "sir the mezo serum hasn't even been tested, what if it mutates his genome or cause his brain to regress" Wu says stress and worrie evident in his voice. 

It's the best shot to save him Missrani said in stern voice, he then continues we asked as Frederick to make the mezo- serum to break through medical science and improve dinosaurs on nublar and he dead because of it so let's do somthing right and save some one his voice cracking.

Wu knowing there was no debate said" ok sir well prep for infusion". "Thank you i'll contact dr
Grant and Satler, if he survives the infusion, he'll need to be looked after under the radar". Wu says ok before hanging up. Missrani holds the bridge of his nose and say qiuet to himself " I hope this is the right call.

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