Ch4 Chaos

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CH4 Chaos begins

It's 2000 Is Darius is sitting in his Car chair his mom and dad are in the front and his brother is by his side . He smiles And laughs like he's known to these people isn't tired alive. But his smile quickly fades when they turn and face him and all he can see on their faces is the Is Mantahcorp logo. Why couldn't you save us his father says. We never wanted you His mother says right after that. Darius is now Crying his tear free flowing he cant free himself from the see to help. How come you get to live but My head gets crushed by the windshield is over brother says. At that moment the wheel to the Van gets shot out and everything goes black.

Darius wakes up in a cold sweat. Oh great there's that dream again he thinks to himself. been having this re occurring nightmare for a while now ever since I've learned the truth about himself when he was in the 6 years ago".

"I'd better get up and start getting ready for the day besides today's Kyaking day right". He tries to get up but then he notices a A mound of pink hair is actually resting on his chest and that's when he realizes that he's actually not in his bunk. He looks down And his face goes beat red As he sees the slumbering form of Brooklyn. He really doesn't know how to react to this as he's never been in the situation before where a girl is sleeping on top of him. He wants to get up so he can shower and AVOID an akward situation but he Also doesn't want to wake her , and one again he can smell the hair products she uses and hed be lying if he said they didn't smell good. They were Both leaning against the wall next to her bed he remembers during his explanation she sat took of her jacket and sat next to him , she must of wrap around him in her sleep. At the moment Darius heard somebody Wolf whistle. He looked up to the top bunk and saw that Yasmina was watching him with a slick smirk on her face. Looks like the 2 of you had a really good talk last night Yaz says smugly.

H-how long have you been there Darius says feeling a little embarrassed. "Long enough to see your face turned into a tomato ,you like her don't you ?Yaz asks even though she said it more like fact That darius try's to deny but is betrayed by his still blushing cheeks, at that moment Brooklyn finally stirs with a yawn because of her life as a famous internet star her sleep schedule can sometimes get a bit hectic from constant all nighters but this honesty was some of the best rest she had in years , but She then quickly started to then realize that she was laying on something or more like someone's very solid chest she then looked up to see Darius's prehistoric Amber eyes looking down into her green ones. She never really paid attention to people's eyes but now seeing his she Could see that they were a beatiful shade of amber yellow like staring at a prehistoric echo the world long forgotten.

She then starts to feel her body pressed against his abs through his tank top and her and Yaz will admit "Damn he is ripped/solid " Darius wanted to cool the tension gets an idea and says "see something you like" with a grin on his face. Now it's Brooklyn's turn to stutter as she quickly gets up saying ss-ssorry didn't mean to stare so hard.

Darius gets up and Then stretches his back and the muscles in his arms. Brooklyn's face turns pink as she can't help but admirer how very well toned he looks in a tank top. Yaz says "Dang boy what's your work out regimen look like "?

She asked this because of career as an athlete
game recognizes game. "Mainly just the regular stuff" Darius makes up on the spot. Truth be told Darius does in fact work out but because of the way his biology works yes to use MUCH, heftier equipment.

The campers then exit their Rooms And see that Roxy left a note for them saying that kayaking has been postponed due to them having to leave for a problem that's been happening in the park.

I hope they didn't have to leave for something Bad. He then walks over to the kitchen and grabs A sandwich out of the fridge.

He then decides to sit on the couch while reading a book his father actually wrote after he got off of Sight B in 2001. At this time Brooklyn and Yasmina walk out. "Seriously are you sure you didn't see my phone anywhere"? Brooklyn asked still worried that her phone is still missing.
No Brooklyn I didn't see it the older girl says. They both go to sit on either side of Darius who's still reading his book.

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