S2Ch5 Roberta Rampage

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It had been many years since she was born her whole like in adulthood secluded. We see our favorite tyrannosaur walk through the nighttime jungle she returning to nest. Her injuries have healed well she was free once again. Out of the confines of her small world free to roam her land in peace. She had seen a few of the humans during he prowl. They always tried to control or attack her well no more she would crush them if they came close she was Queen and she made sure all new that.


The two adults and teens finally make it to a clear as they walk into main street. "This isn't the watering whole Kenji" Mitch said his voice fustrated. Dont worry it's a short cut kenji responds not looking at him. Ok I've got get ready  be ready Rexys not going give us to much time to make a quick exit but its somthing. They continue their walk into the desrerted street untill tiff is startled by a compy jumping put. Get out of here you stupid ass bird iguana!!! she yells kicking at it.
In that moment kenji took action he quickly shoved mitch to the ground with a kick to the face while sammy wrestled the gun case from tiffany. LET GO YOU FUCKING BR- she was cut of as sammy kicked her in the stomach sending her back.

Kenji helps her up and the quickly escape with the guns as the head into mainstreet. They quickly duck behind a fallen table.

Find them they didn't get far uuuuhhh I fucking hate kids!!! Tiff growls
Font worry babe well get em mitch says trying to reassure.

The scene quickly became a game of cat and mouse with sammy and kenji crawling and ducking under destroyed furniture anytime mitch and tiff almost found them untill
Eventually they were cornered behind fallen building debris.

We know your back there so just be good sports and give our guns so we dont zap or shoot you Tiff said firing up the electricity rod. Sammy Yelped and kenji muffled her noise. Kenji was out of ideas.
That's when the earth rumbled to life.

An uncontrolled rumbling fell rhythmically. It was low and booming and kenji felt shook to his core. Tif and mitch froze as a low but close grumble was heard. The massive head of the queen came out of her enclosure and into main street. Kenji and sammy are spotted by her immediately given tiff there location and all hell breaks loose as Kenji grabs sammy's arm saying RUUUUNNNN!!!!


the underground tunnels of jurassic world roared to life as the group of teens rode to find a power maintenance room, with ben and Yaz on bumpy and Darius and brooklyn on the motorcycle. Earlier they hatched a plan to restore power to the park to help kenji and sammy. 

Rounding a corner Darius he spots a sign, Guys look over there! Hes yells while slide to a hault.

The room had to large metal doors that lay open and abandoned. Large monitors and control panels aligned is walls. Ok one of these has to be a power on button look everywhere leave nothing unturned we gotta help sammy and kenji Brooklyn orders. The are quick to start. As everyone ones looking Ben finds a cricut panel and presses the red button inside. It hisses and the green button next to it fizzled before smoking and out of nowhere the lights are on However down in a bunker somewhere on the Western part of the Island. There is a door on it reads E750 and inside we see a humanoid creature inside of a frozen test tube the power in the room begins to fizzle hitting as the lights blink on and off until suddenly the room is shrouded in darkness and the ice in the tube begins to melt.


FUCK YEAAAH GUYS I GOT IT ben yells excited. They all begging Turing on the parks cameras to find out what's happening.


It all happened so fast for Kenji 1 minute him and Sammy are hiding behind some degree while 2 big game hunters are tracking them. Then the next minute there's a Tyrannosaur in the matter. All he could really hear right now was the ringing in his head. He could feel a warm liquid running down the side of his forehead and then he could slightly see the red Tend of it, Am I bleeding he thinks to himself. Things are a little fuzzy all he can really remember is that the T. Rex all though. It attacked the hunters.
Crashing through a wall as they fled and a large rock hitting them in the head. He could feel someone tugging on his arms he looked up to see Sandy dragging him Under a table when He finally came to his senses. He looks at Sammy She motions him to be quiet because the mighty tyrannosaur is standing just above them Able to smell them but unable to see them as they are covered by the table. Its massive head turns and looks down at the table the 2 are in shock and fear being completely still and completely quiet And huddled so close together. On the cameras everyone in the control room is also silent praying to whatever God that's listening Would help their friends. The table budged a widow as the tyrannosaur's nose moved past it. I just want it seemed like it was about to back off goth it's massive head eyes peered under the table with Kenji and Sammy in full view. Now terrified both get up and break off into a Sprint Sammy leading Kenji  Because of  Had injury making him off-balance. KENJI COME ON OVER THERE WE CAN HIDE ! Sammy shrieks.

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