Chapterish 56

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At some point, we start talking about house-hunting. Whit and Alex are in the market. So are Brody and Lauren. 'Tis the season to be moving, I guess.

I picture myself buying a house back home. Craftsman style, sage green shutters, ornate planters on the front porch. Big yard, lots of room for a dog. Emmy and I sipping coffee while the sun rises.

Wow, I'm really fucked.

"Em, where's Josh at?" Meg asks finally.

"Yea, he was invited to join too!" Lauren chimes in.

"Ah, yea," Emmy sighs, looking sideways. "Big merger in the morning or something. He says hi."

"Boo," Meg says.

"So, not sailing upstate without you?" Trix jokes.

"No, no sailing," Emmy smiles.

"Still waiting on our invite to come out there and go sailing with you guys," Trix says. "Dying to see that killer house."

"Uh, same," Meg agrees.

"We should all make a big weekend out of it!" Trix claps her hands together.

"Woah, woah, okay. House is big enough for everyone," Emmy says. "We'll have to set something up."

She looks down again, like she's thinking. Or lying. I can't place her face. Maybe she feels awkward talking about Josh in front of me. Talking about having a huge weekend get together like the ones we all used to take. I can't help but think about Vail, the cabin, and Bahamas.

Would I go to Josh's ritzy mansion on the water? Would I go sailing? Stag?

It dawns on me that I'll be the only one stag at this wedding now. Not that I have any qualms with that, but it always seems to be more noticeable when you're the only one without someone -to sit next to me, to dance with, to wait in line at the bar with -you get it.

Maybe it's just from the last year with Cece, but it suddenly feels weird to not have someone's bag to hold, no one's purse to watch or coat to hang up.

No paparazzi, though. That will be an added bonus for this wedding.

"So, who is watching bebe Isla for the wedding?" I ask, switching topics.

"My parents are going to come up for the weekend," Travis answers. "They can't wait."

"Is an understatement," Trix adds, laughing.

Twenty minutes go by and I'm up in the kitchen, taking a slice of pizza from the box. I can hear music playing in the background of someone's phone call.

"Who's listening to The Starting Line?" I ask through my pizza.

"You can hear that?" Alex asks, brow raised. "It's so low and in the other room."

"'Course I can. My ears perked right up. I could hear that song in my sleep." I shrug.

"Ha! Told ya, Whit. People know The Starting Line." Alex nudges Whit in the arm.

"Who doesn't?" Emmy asks.

"Goals. Like 2006 highlights, to be honest," Meg says.

"But nothing like those highlights I had," Nate says.

"Oh my GOD, your eighth-grade hair," Alex laughs.

"I remember thinking it was cool." Brody shakes his head.

"It was!" Nate acts offended.

"Tell me there are pictures," Lauren says.

"Somewhere. I'll dig them up," Meg says.

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