Chapter 8

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Danielle POV

After what happened on the rooftop, something unpleasant came to follow. The next day, it was obvious that Y/N was avoiding you. Not even trying to be subtle about it, just blatantly walking away whenever you were in his proximity.

During lunch time when you were just about to let him taste another one of your cooking, he stood up and walked past you, not even muttering a single sound before leaving you all by yourself. The change in demeanor was questionable, you didn't know what to do.

After a few seconds, you came to your senses and tried to follow him but he was already nowhere to be seen.

The whole day, you would try to find him, which was already difficult in itself, and whenever you did manage to find him, he'd just start to walk away from you without acknowledging your presence.

The last straw was when you waited for him to finish his shift at the café. You hoped to finally have a talk with him and ask about his behavior, but before you even had the chance, he told you off with words cold as ice.

"Just leave me alone."

His eyes refused to meet yours, swiftly turning his steps home. You couldn't do anything but watch as his figure slowly walked further away from you.

His words got you in a trance, torturing your mind with the echoes of his words.

It felt like your heart was stabbed by needles.

You did your best to hide these emotions from your friends, but truth be told. you were bummed out the entire day.

"Ah, why?!" You whined and covered your face with a pillow. You finally arrived home and there's nothing more you wanted but to rant.

"What's wrong with him?!," You continued to whine, lightly smacking your fist on your bed. You were very upset. Everything was smooth sailing then suddenly, it's back to square one, or even worse than square one.

"I thought I've finally made progress but he's avoiding me all of a sudden," You rubbed your eyes, preventing the tears that welled up in your eyes from falling.

"Did I do something wrong? Why would he hate me?" Negative thoughts start to flood your mind. It was the first time someone just blatantly chose to stay away from you so you couldn't help but tear up.

Sure, Y/N is free to feel whatever he wants, but it still hurts her to see him avoid you. You saw him as a friend after all.

Despite the pain, however, you refused to let this stop you from becoming friends with Y/N. You were not going to give up that easily, because if you did, then your efforts would be all for nothing.

You wish you could figure out why you're running the extra mile for him, but you were willing to do it for him anyway.

It just felt right. It felt right to hold on to him.

And you didn't want to let him go.

"I have to get to the bottom of this."



Danielle is one hell of a trooper, that's for sure. Today felt like a huge, mixed game of Tag and Hide & Seek.

As you walked away from her, you couldn't help but feel bad for her. It seemed as if she was genuinely hurt when you told her off but at the same time, you believed it was the right thing to do.

The past few weeks felt obligatory to tolerate her just because you couldn't voice out what you really felt about the whole deal. It felt uncomfortable in a way you are unable to explain.

"I have to think about myself more," You mutter to yourself, you were only a few feet away from your apartment. You finally arrived and unlocked the door as the melancholic ambience of your lonely apartment greeted you at your doorstep.

You continued to wonder if you'd made the right decision. "I was basically forced into a deal, wasn't I?" You reason with yourself, preferring to use a logical approach.

"I don't owe her anything, why should I feel bad?"

"Why the hell is she so assertive about this, anyway? I'm not her responsibility."

"Why me, of all people she could've befriended?"

"I'm literally just a nobody, why invest your time with me?!"


The longer you thought about it, the more agitated you got and you began to hyperventilate. You refused to get attached to anyone, not even acquaintances. The last thing you wanted was history to repeat itself. You don't want to feel that pain anymore, so what better solution than to completely avoid everyone, right?

"I wish I hadn't met you, Y/N! You always make things worse!"

"This is why you deserve to be left alone!"

"You're a good-for-nothing waste of space!"

"STOP IT!!" You smack your head repeatedly, wanting to get the painful memory of the past out of your head. "STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!"

You did your best to contain yourself but the pain was too great, causing you to have an outburst.

"AAHHHH!!! You cried out as the overwhelming emotions got the best of you.

You allowed yourself to weep on the floor, the high tension of earlier disappearing, replacing it with the cruel yet gentle feel of melancholy as you began to calm down.

After what seemed like hours, you went back to thinking.

Danielle Marsh, a girl who decided to show up in your life and offer friendship. She was assertive in most aspects yet also really compassionate towards people.

Ever since she met you, she was nothing but kind and caring, making you wonder why you're getting so mad about it?

Was it because you were unfamiliar?

Or was it too familiar?

As if it was a painful reminder of every positive thing you once had in life already disappeared and walked away from you. Since then, you became scared, you started to guard your heart and be cautious with every single person that surrounded you.

You feel your heart pounding out of your chest, mixed emotions start to well up. You didn't want to deny her but in order to protect yourself, you did. You had to.

The memories of your painful past still haunts you...

And there is nothing you could do but witness those pieces of you be scattered away.


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