Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Two orders of Caramel Macchiato, four slices of Blueberry Cheesecake, and a Crossaint for takeout," You recited to the couple in front of you as they affirmed that the order was correct.

"Here's your order," You handed them the paper bags and bowed politely. "Have a nice night.

They thanked you and proceeded to exit the store. As soon as they were out of sight, you stretched your arms in the air and sighed heavily. You then grabbed your cleaning equipment and started wiping the tables.

You worked part-time for a quaint coffee shop just a few blocks from school to earn money for necessities and expenses. Although the shop isn't that popular, the number of customers overflows, especially after school and work hours.

On one hand, it was a huge challenge for you since you were the only person who was available for this shift, accommodating one customer after another. On the other hand, it was rewarding since you wouldn't have anyone to split your salary with.

After cleaning the tables, your last task was to sweep the floors before you could finally close the shop for the night. Your manager would sometimes be in the shop to accompany you and shoulder some of the workload, but for the most part, it was just you.

You would always wait for the manager to drop by after closing time so he could give you your daily salary. Normally, it would be given by the end of the month, but since you're a student, the manager agreed to give it to you daily.

As you swept the floors, you suddenly thought about Danielle. Her persistent attitude when she was making friends with you, her lack of spatial awareness whenever she got her face too close to yours, and her casual demeanor when talking to you despite only knowing you for a couple of hours, it was a head-scratcher for you.

You used to always hear about her here and there due to her popularity among the students. You know that she is acquainted and friends with a lot of people but that's about it, you never really bothered to know more about her because you didn't see a point in doing so.

So when she approached you, not to mention the way how she did, it befuddled you. You wouldn't think a popular girl such as herself would want to be friends with someone like you, a loner.

You thought things like that only happen in fictional books or stories.

"What's her deal?" You clicked your tongue, the memory of your rooftop conversation still fresh in your mind. It had caught you off guard, leaving you confused and unsure of how to process it all.

You impatiently ran your hand through your hair, still struggling to make sense of the unexpected encounter with Danielle. With a sigh, you refocused on sweeping the floors, stealing glances at the clock stubbornly stuck at 9 PM.

Realizing your manager could appear at any moment, you hastened to complete your tasks. Once finished, you swiftly changed back into your uniform, switched off the lights, and securely locked up the entrance.

You sat on the curb just in front of the shop, waiting for your manager to arrive. As you waited, you couldn't help but look at the people walking around. You saw families having fun, couples being lovey-dovey with each other, and friends hanging out and enjoying themselves like there's no tomorrow.

It normally is a heart-warming sight, but to you, it just made your heart even colder. You always feel agitated every time you see those types of people and their bonds. It just reminded you of the hurt and the pain.

As you continued staring, you finally noticed your manager's car driving closer, making you stand up from the curb to give him some space to park on.

"Hey, Y/N, sorry I was a little late," your manager, Kim Seokjin, apologized as he stepped out of his vehicle. "The meeting got extended unexpectedly."

My Sunshine (Danielle x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt