Chapter 7

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Since that encounter with Danielle at the café, her approach towards you had taken on a rather... assertive tone. Whether 'aggressive' was the right word, you weren't entirely sure, but there was no denying the shift in her demeanor.

As days passed, Danielle's presence in your life seemed to grow more pronounced. She started to hang out with you more, her company becoming a familiar presence on the rooftop during breaks, and even popping into your classroom for a quick chat whenever she had the chance. You couldn't help but notice her waiting inside the café where you worked, patiently counting down the minutes until your shift ended.

And then, just when you thought you had figured her out, she surprised you once again. A week later, she unveiled yet another scheme, this time with the enticing aroma of homemade food wafting through the air. There she was, standing before you with a lunch box filled with her culinary creations.

"Seriously, Danielle, I'm not your responsibility," you sighed, feeling the weight of her persistent care pressing in on you as she hovered over you with a homemade meal.

"But I want to take care of you," she insisted, her determination unwavering as she spooned a mouthful of bimbap towards your face.

"Absolutely not!" You protested before zipping your mouth shut.

"Y/N, please?"

You shifted uncomfortably as Danielle persisted, spoon in hand, her unwavering determination palpable in the air. With each attempt to deflect her kindness, she seemed only to grow more resolute, matching your resistance with a determination of her own.

"Come on, Y/N," her voice softened, a hint of sadness creeping into her tone. "I've prepared this just for you, so you can have something to eat during lunchtime." Her gaze met yours with an earnest plea, her eyes pleading with you to understand.

Her concern for you was evident, and despite your attempts to remain firm, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. It was flattering, in a way, to know that she cared so deeply for your well-being. The blush that crept up your cheeks betrayed your resolve, softening your stance against her persistent kindness.

"You're my friend," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she glanced down at the lunchbox cradled in her hands. "I don't want you to get sick. Please, just let me do this for you?"

You hesitated, torn between the walls you had built around your heart and the warmth of Danielle's concern

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You hesitated, torn between the walls you had built around your heart and the warmth of Danielle's concern. It was rare for someone to show such genuine care, and despite your reservations, you found yourself relenting to her earnest plea.

With a resigned sigh, you gave in. "Fine, sure, you can," you conceded, unable to resist the genuine joy that lit up her face at your acceptance.

"Yeeeeyyy!!!!" she exclaimed, her hands clapping with unrestrained joy as she celebrated her victory.

So, begrudgingly, you relented, allowing her to feed you. Her concern for your well-being tugged at your heartstrings, igniting a warmth within you that you couldn't quite extinguish.

As she fed you with gentle care, you couldn't help but marvel at the delicious flavors that danced on your taste buds. There was no denying that Danielle had a talent for cooking, and her enthusiasm only made the experience all the more enjoyable.

"It's actually really good," you admitted with a hint of surprise in your voice as you savored another bite.

A radiant smile spread across Danielle's face, her eyes shining with pride and happiness. "I'm so glad you liked it!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.

"I promise to cook you something special every single day!"

As Danielle's enthusiasm bubbled over, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of warmth in your heart

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As Danielle's enthusiasm bubbled over, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of warmth in your heart. Despite your reservations, her genuine excitement was infectious, and you found yourself smiling in spite of yourself.

Fortunately for you, Danielle was too happy to notice.

As you basked in the glow of her happiness, a small voice in the back of your mind whispered words of caution. Guarding your heart had become second nature to you, a defense mechanism honed over years of protecting yourself from potential hurt. And though Danielle's intentions seemed pure, you couldn't shake off the feeling of apprehension that lingered within you.

But the idea of giving her a chance and allowing her into your heart lingered in your mind.

'Should I or should I not let her in?'


Help Y/N decide by typing your answer in the comments!

This chapter is a little short due to it being a transition chapter. I hope everyone understands and is excited for more exciting chapters!!!

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