Chapter 8 Part 4: Book Finale

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2 weeks later: 

"Isabella Browne was found guilty of attempted murder and first-degree murder. She attacked the couple, Charm Kingston and Khloe Rose, 2 weeks ago after her..." 

Charm shut the tv off. Charm and Khloe were recovering from the attack. They were laying down on their bed together, cuddling together.

 "I'm happy that the plan worked." Khloe told Charm. 

"So am I." he told her. 

2 weeks ago- Hours before the attack: 

"Yuki and Leo, we need you guys help." Charm said to them. 

"What's wrong, Charm?" Leo asked him. Khloe informed them of the past between Isabella and them. Leo and Yuki were shocked. They couldn't believe their ears. They never would have thought some like Isabella would do something so crazy. 

"That's horrible. I'm so sorry that happened to the both of you." Yuki told them. 

"That's why we need your help." Charm said. "She is coming after us again and we need your help to stop her." he said. Leo and Yuki looked at each other and nodded their heads in agreement. 

"What do you need us to do?" Leo asked them. 

"The plan is for the police to catch Isabella before she actually kills us. So, we need Yuki to stay behind us at all times. We know that she's going to cover our heads as soon as the street is clear. We need you to hide in the alley and called Leo as soon as you see that." Khloe told Yuki. 

"You can count on me." he said. 

"When Yuki calls you, you're going to call the police right after. We'll give you our location, so you can give it to the police. By the time, Isabella will pull the trigger, hopefully the police will be there by then." Charm told Leo. 

"If they don't? What happens then?" they asked them. Charm and Khloe looked at each other and looked down. "We're hoping that doesn't happen." Charm said. Leo and Yuki looked at them but didn't know what else to say. All they could do was hope for the better outcome. 

2 weeks ago- Moment of attack

Two cloths went over Charm and Khloe's head. "Charm!" Khloe yelled. The kidnappers threw them in the car and drove off. Yuki was taking a video and then called Leo. 

"They've been kidnapped." he said. 

"Okay. I'll call the police." Leo hung up the phone and quickly call the police. 

"911, what's your emergency?" the operator called. 

"I'm here to report a kidnapping." Leo said. 

"What's the kidnappee's location?" the operator asked. 

"I don't know where they're going, but I have their live location." Leo told them. 

"Okay. Send it to this number, we'll send help right away." they said. 

Present day: 

How do you feel?" Charm asked her. 

"I feel better. I'm happy that she won't be able to hurt us anymore." Khloe told him. 

"I'm glad." Charm answered her. 

"Um, Charm?" Khloe called out. 

"Yes, what's wrong?" he asked her. 

"My vacation is going to end soon. I'll have to go back to Texas." she told him. 

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