Chapter 6 Part 2: Forgetting

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*Warning! Talks about depression & traumatic events. Read to your own accord!*

After a few days, Khloe told her boss what happened. He gave her what ever time she needed to take care of herself and get better without affecting a single thing about her job. She was strong enough to sit down and walk on her own.

Nichole was happy about her progress. She called Khloe over to sit down and talk with her. "I know this is very late, but we need to go to the police." Nichole said to her.

Khloe's face dropped instantly. "No," she said while shaking her head. "We can't do that." she told Nichole.

"It's okay. They're going to help you." Nichole said back.

"No! We won't go to the police!" Khloe yelled while holding her arms.

At that point, Nichole had enough. "You're not hurt anymore for you to be babied! Why won't you go to the police?!" Nichole yelled back.

Khloe was taken aback not by how she said it, but by what she said. "Are you kidding me?" she asked Nichole.

"Is that how you're viewing right now? As a spoiled brat?" Khloe said taking a step forward.

"N-no. I didn't mean it like that." Nichole said to her also taking a step forward.

"Then, why would you say it, if you didn't mean it?" she asked her.

"Look, I'm sorry I snapped. I'm just tired." Nichole tried to tell her.

"That wasn't my question. I asked you if-" Khloe was cut off by Nichole.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm just tired." Nichole said to her.

"That wasn't my question! I asked you if you viewed me like a spoiled brat!" she screamed.

She took a deep breath and looked around. "I guess, that answers my question. I'm sorry that I was such a bother. Thank you for taking care of me." Khloe said, dryly.

She grabbed her belongings and left Nichole's place. She went on the bus and went back to her home. As soon as she got there, Nichole sent her a call. Khloe looked at her ringing phone and silenced it.

After a few hours of processing what happened, Khloe felt conflicted. On one hand, she was in the right. She was badly beaten and Nichole was acting like she chose that for herself.

Looking from Nichole's perspective, it's been a lot for her to take care of someone with barely any sleep. Also, Khloe did Nichole a hard time in the beginning on top of that. Khloe sighed and slumped back on the couch.

"I would rather her call me a hassle than to call me a spoiled brat." she closed her eyes gently and fell asleep. Khloe's eyes started to flutter and she began to dream.

In her dream, Khloe was back at that 'place'. Her hands were tied in front of her and she was sitting in the chair. Somehow, she managed to get out of the chair, but her hand were still tied. She looked around to see if anyone was going to help her.

She heard noises behind her and thought someone was coming for her. When she looked around it was Isabella behind her. She had a gun in her hand that was pointed to Khloe's face. She pulled the trigger and Khloe woke up.

She was sweating and breathing heavy. She looked around to see where she was and took a deep breath of relief. She realized that it was just a dream, but she couldn't go back to sleep. She stood up paranoid thinking that Isabella would walk in her door any minute.

Khloe went to the corner of her room and broke down into tears. She couldn't stop crying, she felt like the wall were caving in, and the floor was disappearing. She was having a panic attack, but there was no one there to help her get through it.

She ended up passing out on the floor. The next few weeks, Khloe was exhausted and paranoid. She couldn't step out her house alone. She wasn't eating or drinking anything. She was malnourished.

Khloe was lying on her couch when she heard a knock on the door. She fell of her couch and went into a corner. She pulled her knees to her chest and started rocking herself. "She came for me." is what she repeated over and over.

She heard the knock again and the person announced themselves. "Khloe, it's James! We haven't seen you in a while. Please, open the door!" he pleaded. Hearing a familiar voice, Khloe rushed to open the door.

Once, she saw James face she had a sense of relief that she hasn't felt in a while. "Hi, James." she smiled weakly. James was horrified; he never thought things were this bad with Khloe.

"My god, Khloe! Haven't you been eating?" He lifted her up and helped her to the kitchen. He sat her down in a chair and made her something to eat. He placed the place of food in front of Khloe, but she didn't touch it.

"You have to eat." he told her. He grabbed the fork and put it to her mouth. Gradually, she opened her mouth to take a bite. He patiently feed her and gave her something to drink.

"You shouldn't have done that for me. I don't want to be a burden." she told him.

He looked at her with sadness. "Of course, I'll do this for you. You are my best friend, I couldn't stand to see you like this." he told Khloe with a smile.

"Nichole said the same thing too. She ended up thinking that I was a spoiled brat." Khloe's eyes looked lifeless.

"Her eyes look lifeless. She has to be going through some major depression. The thing will Nichole didn't help." James thought to himself.

He brushed her hair and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry the thing with Nichole happened to you. She hasn't been the same at work, so I'm guessing that's why." he told her. She hugged him deeply and smiled.

She felt less worried than before. "I think it's time for me to get myself together. I miss my old self." she thought to herself. James left her place after making sure that she was fine.

She started to pick up her place and open the curtains and blinds. She took a shower and put some fresh clothes on. She did her laundry and watched a movie.

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