Chapter 3 Part 2: The Lies You Tell

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As Charm was trying to decide the perfect movie, Khloe went into her bag to get the snacks.

"It's decided. We're watching the movie It: Chapter 2." he said.

"Okay. What snacks do you want?" she asked him.

"What do you have?" She looked into her bag and started taking everything out one by one.

"I have airheads, nerds, trollis, white chocolate, and that's about it."

Charm looked down at the snacks and pointed to the nerds. "I take these ones."

Khloe handed him the box and sat down. Charm turned off all the lights and laid down.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" asked Khloe.

"Why? Are you scared?" he said, teasingly.

"No, I'll be fine. But will you be, okay?" she asked.

"Umm, yes." he said. "Alright. Let's play the movie."

Around 10 minutes into the movie, Charm grabbed Khloe's arm. He put his head on her and didn't look up until 20 minutes later. Khloe was laughing the whole time.

"I thought you said you'll be fine."

He looked up at her and replied, "I only said that because I didn't want to ruin the fun."

"You could have told me, anyways. I like romance too."

He looked back down. "I'm still having fun, though."

Khloe patted his head, "Me too." Khloe laid her head on Charm's shoulder, as he laid his head on hers.

After the movie, they couldn't figure out what to do.

"I mean, we have our phones. We can play multiplayer games." Charm suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds pretty fun." The pair tried to think of something, but nothing came to mind.

"What about Call of Duty?" Khloe questioned.

"Yeah. Nothing beats Call of Duty."

They both downloaded Call of Duty: Mobile. After a couple matches, they both got tired of playing.

"Man! I want to go out." said Khloe. "Why does fame have to come with such a consequence?" asked Charm.

The two laughed. Charm grabbed Khloe's hand, "I'm really sorry for acting like a jerk to you. I know now that you never deserved that."

Khloe placed her other hand on Charm's. "It's okay. I forgive you." He smiled at her. He placed his hand on her cheek. "May I..."

"Yes." He lends in close and kiss her. She wrapped her arms around him. Charm smiled dropped as a memory from his past came inside his head.

"What's wrong?" Khloe asked him.

Charm took a moment to enjoy it before he had to ruin it, out of his own fears.

"You're so gullible, you know that?" he chuckled.

"What are you talking about?" Khloe asked, confused.

Charm didn't answer. He just got up from the bed and started to collect his things. Khloe didn't accept his silence for an answer.

"What are you talking about?" she said as she jumped in front of him.

"Move." he looked at her coldly, but she didn't comply.

"Answer my question." she demanded.

"Fine. Do you really think I want to date you?" he said, wickedly.

"What?" Khloe sounded more than heartbroken. She sounded devastated.

"Ugh, do I have to spell it out? This was all a joke. You and me could never happen." he said to her.

He finished collecting all of his things and went past Khloe. Her hands were to her side and tears rolled down her face. Before Charm closed the door he said, "Bye."

Khloe face looked upset. She suddenly began to cry. She fell to the floor in pain. "Why does this happen to me?" she sobbed.

"What do I do wrong?" she said before passing out on the floor. Meanwhile, Charm was outside her door. He was crying from the pain he inflicted on her and himself.

"I'm so sorry. I want to be with you, but I don't want anyone else in my mess." He wiped his tears and left her with his heart. Both broken and empty.

He made his way to the front desk, talking to Leo. "Hey Leo. Can I get a different room? The neighbors are being a little loud."

"Sure thing." Leo quickly assigned Charm a room and gave him the key. "I just have something to say before you go." Leo stopped him.

"Whatever happened, I think you should reconsider your decision." Leo said to him.

"What makes you think something happened?" Charm asked him.

Leo pointed at Charm's eyes. "I don't think those are from you being tired." Leo left the desk and padded Charm's shoulder. Charm went to his new room with no one in it.

The next morning came with dread. Khloe slept on the floor, waking up to the sunlight shining on her face. Her face twitched and her eyes fluttered.

"Good morning, Charm." she said, sweetly.

"Happy Birthday, beautiful." he whispered to her.

Khloe gasped for air and looked around at her surroundings. She realized that everything was a dream and Charm never cared for her. He just wanted to mess with someone's emotions.

Khloe laid down for a little longer, processing everything that happened. She kicked and screamed out of angry.

"What is happening to me?" she thought to herself.

After her little episode, she picked up the room. She fixed the bed and got her clothes. She took a shower, but didn't feel the same. She felt crushed and messy.

"Tch! Who knew heartbreak could be so heartbreaking?" she said while tearing up. She wiped her tears and collected her things.

Khloe was practically running to the cafe. She wanted to vent to someone that would listen to her. To calm her down and tell her that everything was going to be okay.

"Hey, Kristal!" She walked over to her, breathless.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Working. What do you want?" Khloe was shocked by Kristal's attitude.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" she asked her.

"No, I'm just busy."

Khloe didn't want to annoy her further. "I'll get the Thai Tea." Kristal put Khloe's order in the system.

"$5.69." Khloe handed her the card. Kristal handed Khloe the drink without a second look.

Khloe walked out of the cafe wanting to vent, but instead walked out things about their friendship.

"Is everything a lie here? It's just like that time, I can't trust anyone."

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