Chapter 7 Part 2: Golden Days

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Khloe woke up to see that Charm was not next to her. She got up and fix the bed, then she went go the bathroom to see that her outfit was already picked out. She saw a note on her clothes, "Good morning, love. I have an interview this morning, so I'll be back by lunch. I love you!"

"He's too sweet!" Khloe said in her head. She chuckled at the note and took a shower. After her shower, she went downstairs for some breakfast. She saw Emma in the kitchen making something and went over to her.

"Good morning, Emma!" Khloe said, happily.

"Good morning, Khloe. Have some breakfast!" she handed Khloe a plate.

"Thank you!" Khloe ate the food with joy. After she finished eating, she did the dishes. She grabbed her purse and was about to leave the Bed & Breakfast. "Hey Emma, I'm heading out!" she shouted.

"Okay, be safe." Emma replied back.

Khloe left the Bed & Breakfast but had no idea where to go. She decided to go back to Boba's Sensation; it's been a while since she's last been there. She was a little scared because she may or may not run into Isabella while she was going over there.

"It's okay. She wouldn't hurt me in public with countless of witnesses." she told herself.

Once she got there, she took a deep breath and walked in the cafe. She noticed that Kristal wasn't there but a new employee. "Hello, welcome in!" he greeted Khloe in. She nodded her head and waited her turn in line. She has never seen this place so busy before. She walked up to the employee and looked at the menu.

"Good morning, my name is Yuki." he told Khloe.

"Good morning, my name is Khloe." she replied back.

"That's a beautiful name." he told her.

"Thank you." she smiled at him and he smiled back.

"So, what would you like?" Yuki asked her.

"Um, I don't know. What would you recommend?" she asked him.

"Hmm, I really like the Matcha Boba Tea." she told her.

"I have that." He nodded his head and Khloe took her seat at her usual spot. She sat by the mini arcade and pulled out a book from her purse. She started reading her book when she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Yuki; he placed her drink on the table and gave her a straw. "Thank you." she took the straw and took a sip.

She continued to read her book and take sips of her drink even so often. Khloe finally finished her book, but now had nothing to do. She didn't feel like playing in the arcade, so she just looked around. She looked at the place and noticed that even the theme of the store was different from before.

Before, the cafe was a scenario style place. It was pink, white, and purple. The tables were either Hello Kitty, Kuromi, or My Melody. Now, it's more modern. The colors are grey, black, and white. The tables are all black with neon color rims. To be honest, Khloe liked this version better. The scenario theme was overbearing sometimes.

She looked around and noticed Yuki. He was quite handsome getting a closer look. He had long white hair with red tips. He was very muscular and buff, but just the right amount. He had a small mole on the corner of his right eye. His lips were a baby pink, and his eyes were mis-colored. His left eye was green, and his right eye was blue.

Looking at Yuki, Khloe couldn't help but to think of Charm. She missed her handsome and funny boyfriend. He always called her beautiful and love, but then she started to feel bad. She doesn't give him many nicknames like he does her.

"What are some nicknames that I can give Charm?" she thought out loud. She thought of names like babe or my lover, but all of them were too cringy for her. "Why is finding a nickname for your partner so hard?" she asked. 

"I don't know, but when you do find one, they're going to love it." Khloe jumped by the sudden response. She didn't realize that she was talking out loud. She looked her left and saw Yuki there with a drink in his hands. "Mind if I sit here?" he asked her. 

"Sure, go ahead." She pointed to the seat in front of her and he sat down. 

"So, I'm guessing you have a boyfriend?" he asked her. 

"Yes, I do. Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked him in return.  

"Um, not anymore. She's my wife now. Thank you for asking!" he told her. 

"That's amazing! But why thank you?" she asked, confused. 

"Most people automatically think I'm gay because I dyed my hair and somewhat look feminine." he confessed to Khloe. 

"That's weird. You don't look feminine to me." she said. 

"Thank you!" he threw his hands up. 

"Can I ask you something?" Khloe asked him. 

"Go ahead." She looked down at his hands and looked back at him. 

"I wanted your opinion on something. I noticed that you don't have a ring on your finger. Does that bother your wife?" she asked him. 

He smiled lightly and then sighed, "I wasn't expecting that question. No, it doesn't bother her. She knows I only take it off because of work." he told her. 

"That's good. I always wanted to know because I never understood why wedding rings have been placed on such a high value. I mean, they show that you have confessed your love to someone, but the love between that person is all that really matters. I don't know why everyone gets so mad about it." Khloe told Yuki. 

"I agree. They do show that you have dedicated your life to someone, but they don't need to know that. It's none of their business to know who is with who." he told Khloe. 

After talking about meaning, marriage, and work, it was time for Khloe to leave. Charm ended up not coming for lunch due to an extended interview. She decided to do something special for Charm because he always does the same thing for her. She got some flowers and told Emma that she wanted to make dinner for her and Charm. 

Naturally, she offers to make dinner for them as well, but Emma declined. She said that she was going to do the same thing as Khloe. She nodded her head and started to cook. She made pasta and went to their room. She set everything on the bed and picked out a nice movie for the both of them. Thankfully, she didn't wait long. 

She heard Charm come upstairs to their room, he sighed and carefully closed the door. When he turned around, mini tears swelled up in his eyes. "Khloe? Did you do this for me?" he asked her. 

"Yes, I did. Your pajamas are in the bathroom." she said to him. 

"Thanks, love." he told her. He took a shower and came outside. They watched the movie and ate dinner. "I really needed this. Thank you, love." He gave her a kiss on the cheek. Afterwards, he fell asleep, and Khloe turned off the tv. 

"Goodnight, Sunshine." 

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