Chapter 6 Part 3: Forgetting

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The next day Khloe went back to work. She felt nervous as she has not been to work in about 4 months, but she needed to find herself again. She went straight to the manager's office to announce that she was ready to work again. She knocked on the door with energy, "Come in!" 

She walked into the room and smiled happily. "Hello, Mr. James!" 

James's face displayed his sense of shock, "Khloe? You're back?" he asked her. 

"Yes! I think 4 months of depression is enough for me. This will help me take my mind of it." she told him. 

"Are you sure? I mean I just saw you yesterday... you didn't look too well." he said to her, unconvinced. 

"I'm sure. I just need a lift and you gave me that." she smiled at James, and he smiled back. 

"Welcome back, Ms. Rose!" Khloe nodded her head and turned to the door. Suddenly, she saw Nichole at the doorway. 

"Khloe? You're back?" she asked her. 

"Yes, I am. I have to get to work." Khloe tried to walk out of the office, but Nichole stopped her. 

"Wait! Are you sure that you should be working?" she asked her. 

"I am more than sure. Thank you for your concern." Khloe said, coldly. 

From that moment on, their relationship never went back to the way it was. They all heard that Isabella was going overseas and wouldn't be back for a few months. Khloe eventually left the amazon company and started working for the KNY Hotel Review Center as an intern. Her depression got better, and she was at peace. She made new friends and coworkers that became her family. 

"I never reached to Nichole ever again and I lost contact with everyone I worked with. It may seem sad, but it truly isn't. Having friends that I used to work with would have kept the memory in my head often." she told Charm who was still patted her head. 

"I agree. I'm glad that you feel better and that you're much happier. Though, it may seem like you should have done things differently at times, you wouldn't be where you are now. The past already happened and the no one knows what the future is going to be. The only thing we can do is focus on what's in front of us and make choices that we think are right." 

Khloe chuckled at little while wiping the tears that slipped away from her eyes. "Are you sure that you aren't a motivational speaker? Some of the things you say are very motivational." she told Charm, jokingly. 

"After acting so many roles like that, it kind of grows on you." he told her. They smiled at each other and snuggled in close. They felt asleep feeling warm and safe in each other's arms. A few hours went by before they woke up. They heard a knock on the door, sleepily they both said, "Come in." John stepped in front of the door frame and smiled. 

"Y'all can come down for some dinner if you feel up for it." he told them. Charm nodded his head, but Khloe was still asleep. "I think in about 30 more minutes." he told John. They both laughed quietly, and John closed the door. Charm laid back down and held Khloe from behind her back. After 15 minutes, Charm tried to wake Khloe up and was successful. 

"It's time to wake up, love." he told her. 

She yawned and turned to face Charm. She scooted closer to Charm and gave him a hug; she put her head in his chest. "What's this for?" he asked her. 

"I wanted to give you hug because you made me feel better." she said with her head in his chest. 

"You're welcome, beautiful." he said to her. He kissed the top of her head, then her forehead, down to her cheek, and eventually her lips. "I love you, Khloe Rose. I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?" he asked her. 

She stood quiet for a few seconds until she raised her head. She kissed his lips, then his cheek, to his forehead, and then his head. "Of course, but that's only if you'd be my boyfriend, Charm Kingston." he told him. 

"Yes, I do." he gave her one final kiss before getting up. "John said dinner was ready, would you like to join me, Ms. Girlfriend?" he asked her while extending his hand to help her up. 

"Yes please, Mr. Boyfriend." she chuckled. 

The went downstairs to see John talking to someone. He was laughing quite a bit and they looked at each other with a "Who is that?" look. They stopped at the top of  the stair case and took a peek. "I think it's maybe his crush?" Charm whispered to Khloe. 

"No, it can't be. It has to be his girlfriend or wife. Their way too close and not in a friendship type way." she whispered back. 

"I agree." Charm nodded his head and they both got up to join the two downstairs. "Hello, John." Khloe said to him. 

"Hello, Khloe. How do you feel?" he asked her. 

"Better than yesterday." she said in response. 

"That's an improvement." he said with a smile. 

She nodded her head and turned it to the left of her. She saw the person next to her was an old woman, but she seemed familiar. The old woman turned her head slightly in Khloe's direction making her gasp. "Hello, Emma!" she welcomed with excitement. 

"Hello, Khloe. How have you been?" she asked her.

"I've been well. How about you?" she asked.

"Pretty good on my side. I'm more than sure you've met my husband, John." she said with a smile. 

"Yes we... Husband?!" Khloe said in pretended shock. In reality, she was just happy that she was right instead of Charm. 

"Yes, my husband. Did you not tell them about me?" she asked John playfully scolding him. 

"I was going to, but the poor kids were extremely tired." he said while trying to plead innocent. 

"Hmph!" Emma huffed. 

They all laughed and had dinner. Though, Khloe may not have thought about it, this was one of the happiest days of her life.

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