Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

It had been an unpleasant surprise to find James dodging him till the end of term. The young man seemed to always make an excuse to avoid being around Harry longer than necessary. At first the time traveler didn't think much of it, but soon he began to suspect that James was not yet ready to commit to their training. It was becoming frustrating on Harry's part. It was clear James wanted to be brave, but he didn't have the proper push to step into that arena with his cousin.

James' words on the Quidditch pitch the evening before the match, and his words in the Three Broomsticks echoed in Harry's mind, but he was unsure what step he should take next. He didn't want to push the young man into something he wasn't ready for, but also knew he had risen to the challenge once before. Ultimately the decision to ask for his family's opinions on the matter over the holidays was the conclusion he settled on, but the thoughts continuously swirled through his mind.

Elaina had committed full-time to train with Harry in the mornings, and by the time the end of the term had come around the girl was becoming quite the marvel. She seemed tired, often, and Harry wished if James was going to refuse to train with him then he would say it aloud so he could shift Elaina back to their nighttime training. Harry had learned over the last few weeks that his best friend in Slytherin didn't sleep very well at night, and he was beginning to suspect the early mornings were taking a toll on her.

Shaking these thoughts aside he stood next to Elaina in the dueling club for his first-ever appearance. In the front of the room, Professor Flitwick and Black had been giving a demonstration of a common chain spell that the students could try. Many of the students looked enraptured by the lesson. Harry could see many of the younger years whispering in awe at the simple magic being performed, while others seemed to be anticipating the start of the day's duels, hardly paying attention to the lesson at all.

Harry could admit that the Great Hall was quite impressive in this formation. Despite the Christmas decorations in the hall and the cozy feelings the warm fireplaces brought there was a certain gleam of nervous energy in the air. Harry was unsure if that was due to their presence or if people just eagerly anticipated dueling every session.

Dozens of smaller-than-standard dueling platforms lined the halls and layers of wards seemed to coat the room. It was unlike anything Harry had ever seen during his time at Hogwarts. Not for the first time Harry wondered just why the club had been discontinued, and why when it resumed in his second year did it not go back to the way it had been.

Whispers had been going around the room since he arrived with Elaina at his side, but both wore emotionless expressions on their faces. Their friends had been the most surprised to see them as neither had mentioned their intention to join tonight's session. Their Gryffindor friends seemed near worried about their arrival and when the demonstration was over Lily came straight over to them, "Harry, Elaina, how nice of you both to join us. Didn't think I would ever see you both here."

Elaina nodded, offering the girl the slightest smile. The two had really struck up a friendship over the last month. The weekend after the Quidditch match Lily and Elaina had walked the length of Hogsmeade discussing magic and what was covered in the training sessions with Harry. Everywhere they went whispers seemed to follow, but the two no longer cared. They had been bound by blood. Their friendship seemed to only increase overtime, and Harry was happy for the two. He had seen Elaina, Pandora, and Andi, sitting with Lily, Alice, and Amelia in Hogsmeade that evening, which brought a smile to his face as he passed through with Nate, Kingsley, and Ted Tonks.

When they had walked out of the pub that evening Nate just whistled quietly, "That's a lot of power and beauty at one table."

Ted, the quiet Muggleborn that Harry had nearly no classes with just chuckled, "Anyone of them could crush you, Greengrass."

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